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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"What kind of reaction were you hoping to get from me?"

The moment he said those words, (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him in disbelief.

What did he expect?

Was he expecting her to lash out on him for some woman who carried little to no matter?

He expected her to care for someone so trivial?

"I thought you would be mad at me for bringing a woman in my palace and titling her as my concubine."

"And why would I be mad?"

"Because I have a concubine...?"


The (h/c)-nette's eyes were wide, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. He expected her to be mad at him because he has a mistress?

"And...you want me to be mad about that...?"

Slowly, he nodded. Please, the guilt was eating him alive and the fact that she wasn't reacting appropriately to this was not making things better for him.

Her eyes could never seem to leave his. She stammered, was he being serious right now?

"W-Why?" She paused.

This man...

(Y/n) could literally be in her room resting and just think about their future plans—

—And yet here she was, being forced to talk about a pest he brought upon his home.

This was such a waste of time.

The Nevivon Empress let out a sigh, "Sovieshu, why would I be mad at you for having a mistress? That decision was yours to make, just like what you said. You brought a woman in your palace and you gave her the title of 'Concubine of the Emperor' and you're the Emperor."

She shrugged, "What does that got to do with me? I literally have no authority to tell you to not have a mistress. So, I don't understand why you want me to be mad."

She poured her cup some tea, feeling a slight migraine with the mistress talk they were talking about.

This was what their discussion was all about?


"Just relax, darling, there's no need for you to fret about what I feel."

'It wouldn't matter anyway.'

The ravennette blushed and eased up at her words, the guilt he was feeling was slowly disappearing within him.


He let out a breath and smiled, "You're right. I'm sorry for saying that." He chuckled and he leaned down to pour himself some tea.

Meanwhile, loud laughter and the sounds of chatter filled Rashta's salon.

"Exchanging letters with an anonymous pen pal? How romantic!"

"Do you think it's true? There are so many rumours about Prince Heinley."

"Well, if it was a lie, why would he publicly announce that he's looking for the individual?"

Rashta sat comfortably in her soft purple chair, listening carefully to all the nobles' chatter.

Whilst her maid, Cherily, sat next to her and cooled the silver haired woman off by waving a fan.

But she noticed that one noblewoman in particular has been silent throughout the entire party.


She took a glance at the Viscountess, who was seemed nervous about something.

"Maybe the recipient of the romantic letters is Lady Rashta!"

The concubine returned her attention to the aristocrats who had been indulging themselves with such an amorous gossip.

She laughed and shook her head, "No, it's not me. I'm very curious about who it is too!"

"Really? Wouldn't you think Miss Rashta’s sweet tongue would be enough to enthrall Prince Heinley?"

She shook her head once again and smiled, encouraging everyone to continue on and enjoy themselves with her little party.

Hours later, the nobles began to bid their farewells at her. Claiming that they had enjoyed their time.

"Thank you for the invitation to visit you salon today, Lady Rashta."

"I had fun, too. You'll visit Rashta again, won't you?"

She politely said her goodbyes as well and once she was done, she turned to see the Viscountess.

Who was still seated and still remained quiet.

"Viscountess Verdi." She started.

"You looked uncomfortable during the entire visit. Is something the matter?"

The former lady-in-waiting of the Empress, became the concubine's and ever since the Viscountess became her lady-in-waiting, Rashta's popularity began to increase.

Viscountess Verdi was known for having constant family problems, and Baron Lant took that opportunity to give her the money she desperately needed in exchange to be the Emperor's concubine's lady-in-waiting.

She didn't really want to agree with it, but she was ashamed of asking money from the Empress again.

So she had no choice but to accept.

However, she was not overly friendly with her. She was only there for the money and she was not as reliable as her maids were.

"If you want to return to her majesty..."

Her words startled the woman, Rashta walked towards her and stared at the older woman with a concerned expression.

The Viscountess quickly shook her head, "Pardon? Oh, on. It's not that..."

The woman knew she was distrustful of her, and she was afraid that Baron Lant might know this, so she told Rashta what was troubling her.

"It's just... I think Prince Heinley's anonymous pen pal is the Empress."

The look of distrust fell off from her face and was replaced with a look of surprise. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Oh my. Really?!"

The concubine's features sparkled at her statement, the maids— who were cleaning the room— chuckled.

Viscountess Verdi gulped and nodded, "Yes, but I don't think her majesty will come forward and reveal herself."

"She's very prideful."

The albino haired woman thought for a moment before asking, "That means you know the contents of the letters, yes?"

The older woman nervously fidgeted with her skirt, "I do..."

That's when Rashta came up with a wonderful idea. She snapped her fingers and giggled.

"I've thought of something fun!"

Everyone stared at her, confused. But she merely waved them off and grinned.

"How about we do this?"




Thus leading us into this current predicament.

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