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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"So, how was it, your majesty?"

"How was what?"

"The feeling of being an official sovereign, how does it feel?"

The moment her curfew came, (Y/n) had to immediately retire for the night, for she had a very strict sleeping schedule to follow.

Her cumbersome of a dress managed to wore her out the moment she step foot in her royal chambers.

She managed to speak with multiple famous diplomats and people of the higher hierarchy and that alone was quite tiring if you may, but she pulled it off well.

(Y/n) thought to herself for a minute before answering, "I feel more restricted, per se."

Her sectary chuckled, "Well, you're right about that."

"Well how about you, Piere?"

The (h/c)-nette turned to face him, a smile present on her features.

He already have his answer and so he said, "Being your secretary? I highly doubt I would feel any different when I'm serving you."

"Ow. That was harsh."

"I'm merely stating what is true, your majesty."

As she stepped inside her small salon, a small lounging area just beside her bedroom, she spotted the Duchess.

"Your majesty."

She greeted and courteously gave a small curtsy. Duchess Maya was one of the ladies-in-waiting of hers that were allowed to use the lounging area in her chambers.

So most would have to just lounge on the salon outside, unless stated otherwise.

"You're here early, Duchess Maya."

"A bit of a habit of mine, Duke Caldwell."

(Y/n) scanned the room and noticed that it was only the Duchess and her loyal maid, Ruby, that was present at the moment.

"Where are the others?"

"They should be arriving here soon, your majesty. I'm merely avoiding being on time."

She raised a brow, well, there was this saying that being on time is considered late and being a few minutes early is deemed as punctual.

She nodded and went straight to the imperial dressing room.

The moment she did so, the sound of footsteps echoed outside of the room. The person knocked on the pristine door and announced themselves.

"Her majesty's ladies-in-waiting are here."

The (h/c)-nette waved a hand and Ruby went ahead to open the door for them.

"Greetings, your majesty."

"Shall we get started then?"

She smiled at them and nodded. Piere cleared his throat and drop a curtsy, "I'll have the chefs prepare you your dinner then, since you were too busy to eat properly in the dining room."

Again she nodded and her ladies-in-waiting then went on with their work.

They slowly helped her slip off her heavy dress and helped her carefully rid of the all adornments in her lustrous hair.

After that, (Y/n) got herself into the lavish bath they prepared for her. The warm water enveloped her body with warmth and the comforting smell of lavender.

They scrubbed her body and combed her now messy hair, gently. They let out her soaked for a bit, as the silence was calm and steady.





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