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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜



"Are birds allowed to eat that?"

"Well, no, but Queen is different kind of bird.


Navier seemed doubtful of her words. But she was Queen's master so she supposed that she was telling the truth.

"Alright." She smiled, "Does Queen have any favourite sweets? I might gave her something that she wouldn't like."

"As long as you gave her anything that's sweet, she'll love those."

(Y/n) couldn't help but internally laugh joyfully, as the Empress of her Empire, Piere had set a lot of restrictions on her diet.

Especially desserts.

And the thought of being fed by Navier some sweets made her squeal in pure bliss.

Rashta laid on her bed, she hugging a large teddy that was given to her by her lover. She found herself in a net of complicated emotions.

She squeezed her stuffed toy as she began to think about what had happened.

'Although I was happy that his majesty stood up for me... People had finally started seeing me in a good light, but now this happened...'

She could still feelt the shackles binding her heels. Just when people started seeing her as 'Rashta' instead the word 'Slave' came chaining her ankles again.

She sat up and anxiously fidgeted with the rings each of her fingers have. 'No. Even though I was slave once, I'm the Emperor's mistress now. My posts is secure.'

She tried to reassure herself and it was working.

That's right, she was no longer a slave, she was Lady Rashta now and the Emperor's concubine at that, she was safe. Things now weren't the same as before.

And no one would dare lay a finger on his majesty's lover.

The door to her room then opened and in came her lady-in-waiting, Viscountess Verdi, who spoke.

"Lady Rashta. Viscount Roteschu is here to see you. What would you like to do?"

"Lord Roteschu is here?!"

Rashta gasped and covered her mouth, 'Ah, I accidentally called him the way I used to.'

Viscountess Verdi looked startled but said nothing of it. The silver-nette's eyed shiftes to the Viscountess— who offered her a kind smile.

But Rashta wasn't buying it.

She was sure that her lady-in-waiting thought of her as pathetic and that she knows how she was connected to the Viscount.

She shouldn't even mention his name to her! After what he had done, she shouldn't! Why didn't she told him to leave? Would she have done the same thing to the Empress?

Why didn't the Emperor have him killed or put in prison?

Rashta looked down sadly and she gritted her teeth, "Tell him to leave."

When she saw her lady-in-waiting didn't move or say anything, she yelled at her, "Tell him to leave!"

Viscountess Verdi could see her trembling but she couldn't do anything about it, spoke in a shaky voice.

"Well…he said if you don't let him in, you would regret it…"

"He said that?"


Anger rushed within her veins, "Then tell him to come in. Let me see his shameless face!"

She was ready to give the man a piece of her mind, her lady-in-waiting nodded and proceeded to escort the Viscount inside.

Once he was in however, he had a strange smile on his face, and the cold insults Rashta wanted to give him, melted.

"Lady Rashta. Congratulations. You are the Emperor's concubine."

Viscountess Verdi looked alternately between the silver haired woman and the old man, she then quickly rushed out of the room when the former gave her a harsh glare.

Viscount Roteschu looked around the room, "Ooh, it's nice here. Very nice." He spoke, contentedly.

"Why are you here?"

She imitated the Empress' voice. Her own voice was made flawlessly to charm people but it didn't have the tone of authority in it.

"You look like a noblewoman now, Rashta."

"It's Lady Rashta to you! You can't talk down to me the way you used to!"

"Sure, that's true for a short while." He said, glancing at the sparkling bracelet around her wrist.

She noticed where his eyes were and she hid her hands behind her back, "What do you mean?"

He frowned when he saw her hiding her bracelet away from his sights.

"Don't be so hostile to me, Rashta. The Emperor ordered me to correct what I said about you being a runaway slave."

He sighed, dramatically. "Now people are going to think I'm an imbecile who can't even recognize people's faces."

"Whether your secret stays a secret or not is up to me."

Rashta gave him the most fierce glare she could mustered up, "Then you should not have said that from the beginning! You're shameless! You're only hiding that I’m an escaped slave because the Emperor ordered you to. You’re not doing this for me."

That when a sinister grin appeared on Viscount Roteschu's elderly face, "Still..."

"At least I'm keeping the baby you left behind a secret, aren't I?"


Rashta went pale and stared at him with a shocking expression. But that was only for a moment when blood flushed to her face again.

Clenching her fists as she screamed.




"How dare you lie! You killed my baby!"

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