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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"To think they would be so bold enough to dare speak of her majesty's personal love life."

Stefan stated as he poured warm tea in her cup, he was serving them both with snacks and tea after the whole event.

He then went to pour the Duke's cup with some tea, the latter who nodded his head as he was thankful to the butler.

"Well, they are not entirely wrong. Her majesty must have a consort in order to have an heir."

Piere said, sipping his earl grey tea and diverting his eyes on to the said monarch in front of him.

Who was not listening to them, and was clearly distracted by the sweet savoring taste of the cake she was eating.

"Your majesty!"


Piere slammed his hands on to the small table, catching the attention of the (h/c)-nette, who jolted in surprise of his actions.

(Y/n) swallowed the cake in her mouth and stared at her irritated secretary.


"You weren't paying attention to any of the words I've said now, were you?"

"A...Ah...yes I was..."

"Then could you repeat what I've just said."


The Duke who had his arms crossed, slammed his hands again when she offered him a half-eaten slice of her dessert.

"Your majesty!"


He then went on, on how foolish she was not paying any attention to him and continued scolding her and threatening her to take away her cake.

'Ah, another day in the palace, another day with the imperial family.'

Stefan, who was watching from the sidelines thought and sighed at the sight as he continues to both serve them some snacks.

Just then, everyone in the room could hear the sound of wings flapping.


The said sound revealed itself to be a large golden bird, who entered the room through the open window.

"A bird—?"



(Y/n) hopped off from her seat and approached the creature, that was on her office desk.

She then caressed its head and she ordered her butler to fetch some bowl of water. Stefan rose a brow questioningly and turned to look at Piere.

The latter merely nodded and so the butler shrugged and went to do what he was told.

The bird gratefully indulge itself from her touch, softly growling at her in response to her actions.

"Birdie? I thought we agreed on not naming random animals?"

"Hmm, I don't remember on agreeing such matters."


"And besides, 'Birdie' isn't its official name. I'm still thinking about it."

The Duke stared at her, unimpressed with her behaviour. As she continues to play with the large bird.

The said creature seemed happy and satisfied with every caress and pepper talks (Y/n) would give it.

"Have you forgotten what you had just said two days a—"

"You've come from quite a long place. I am impressed on how you managed to travel so far every day."

After her grand coronation, she had received an anonymous letter that had stated an old sonnet, to which she had replied.

And after that, the bird would come to deliver her letters from an anonymous sender, that she has yet to find out who, every day.

And of course, she would reply back to all those letters. Which always never cease to provoke her secretary.

"Don't ignore me!"

"Huh? What was that, Piere?"


"Your majesty, I have brought some water."

The door opened and Stefan came back with the said bowl of water and placed it down on the table, next to the golden creature.

"Thank you, Stefan."

"Anything, your majesty."

Stefan bowed and stared at the creature in fascination. He haven't seen such a large bird before, much less a golden one with purple eyes.

"Where did it come from, your majesty?"

"That I don't know as well."

"Such an intriguing creature."

"Hey! Don't partake in this, Stefan!"

"Ah— Forgive me, your grace."

(Y/n) had already fallen for the bird's charms, Piere doesn't want their only trusted butler to fall victim too.

The butler move a step back, only for him to retrieve a plate of biscuits and offered it to the bird.

"Would it like some snacks, your majesty?"

"Hey—! What did I just said?!"

"I think it does, Stefan."

"Very well then, here, have it try this, your majesty."


"I swear to— No! Don't feed it! Stefan!"

Poor Piere, he was both ignored by the oh-so-called childhood friends of his.

"Both of you, stop it! Right now!"

After awhile, their butler left to do his other remaining duties and both were left alone with the creature in (Y/n)'s office.

"What letter have you sent me this time?"

The (h/c)-nette then untied the letter that was tied on its leg. Unfolding it carefully,

The letter reads:

"How are you today, your majesty? Doing well, I hope? I certainly am quite not feeling well today, to be cast away as a spare, force to make a name for yourself surely does leave a stingy mark on my chest. But not to worry, your highness, just writing to you makes me swell up with happiness, knowing that I have someone to talk to other than my cousin. But I'm not writing this letter to rant about my life, your majesty, I wrote this letter ask: Do you know who I am? If you don't, then I shall give you a hint; I was at your coronation."

Now this had spark her interest, regularly, the letters that the bird would send were either poetic comedy or romantic poetry.

The latter would seem highly amusing to her, and she would always wrote back the same poetic lines. But this—

The bird sitting on her lap, who had a faint blush on its face, stared her. Trying to find some sort of reaction from her.

But she was deemed unreadable.

Noticing its stare, she gave a small smile and gently stroke its head, "Your master is very peculiar."

The bird tilted its head, not really fully understanding what she had said.




"But in an amusing way."

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