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˜"*°• Imperial Majesty •°*"˜

They were each other's partners since they first learned how to dance.

(Y/n) was with them, sure, but her partner was always her private tutor. Sovieshu and her could only dance whenever Navier had reading classes.

But it was always the blonde and the ravennette from the start.

She could remember clearly how the both of them would burst into laughter about how awkward they were.

And the (h/c)-nette would constantly tease them about it.

But it seem those days were long gone.


Navier looked at her husband. "Since I took Rashta as my mistress, I can't tell you not to take a lover."


"But you must choose wisely."

She looked at him, confused. "What are you-" She was then interrupted by him. "As the Empress of the Eastern Empire, it's best if you don't do anything to disgrace yourself."

"I don't know what you're talking about but-"


She was interrupted again when he suddenly released his hold on her and rushed towards someone.

That someone being his mistress.


He rushed to her side and she began to clung on to him, her doe like eyes was filled with tears and she began to whine like a baby.


"Rashta. Why are you crying?"

"Your majesty, I felt lonely looking at the other dancers and Rashta has no one to dance with."

Their gazes met, but she didn't acknowledge her and instead turned to Sovieshu with her eyes shimmering with tears.

He looked at her in surprise, but he did his best to cheer her up.

Her behaviour made everyone stop and turned their gazes at her, earning a few chuckles from the nobles, not out of mockery, but of endearment.

And that included the Grand Duke and the Nevivon Empress, but they saw nothing endearing about it.

Kaufman's face was unreadable as he couldn't believe what was going on inside the mistress' head.

(Y/n), however, rose a brow.

Well, such a sight was certainly surprising. Never in her life has she seen a woman desperately clung to her man, publicly.

And these idiots thought it was adorable.

Sovieshu could feel her gaze, a small feeling of shame crept up, but he pushed it aside and focused on the woman clinging on to him.

He'll have a talk with the (h/c)-nette to explain himself later.

He then picked up his lover and left.

"Oh my god. So it's true that the Emperor loves the concubine."

"The rumours are proven to be true."

"It seems that way."

"Oh my, right in front of her majesty as well..."

(Y/n) quickly whipped her head towards Navier's direction after hearing on the nobles talked about her.

Navier clenched her jaw as she felt everyone's eyes on her.

The low chatters of the aristocrats grew louder and she wanted to approach her so badly but she had to hold herself back, for now.

If she did take a step to approach and comfort her, people might start rumours that (Y/n) was on her side.

Which she was.

But she still need Sovieshu.

Not long after, the blonde took the courage and calmly walked away from everyone.

The Eastern Empress left the ceremony, just like that. She felt overwhelmed by the murmurs surrounding her, so she decided to retire early.

Her (e/c) eyes spotted a familiar face, she nodded at them, indicating her orders. The figure bowed and did what was ordered of them.

"I think I'm going to retire early."

She turned to face the Grand Duke and she gave him a tired smile.

The Duke's face softened and he nodded, "Alright, would you like me to escort you?" Well, she really didn't want him to, but seeing how their time together was cut short...

"If you don't mind."

Navier had no idea where she was going, she had never felt so small before and now the small portion of what left of her pride was beginning to wither even more.

No matter how much distance herself from Sovieshu and Rashta, she was buried.

The blonde then heard footsteps behind her, she turned around to see who was following her, but she saw no one.

Perhaps the exhaustion from the ceremony had finally took a toll on her.

She turned around again and she found herself walking an empty corridor. A figure emerged, approaching her with a concerned expression.

It was her guard, Lady Artina.

"Are you alright, your majesty?"

"I'm fine."

Her answer didn't seem to convince her however, "You should get some rest. You look pale."

Her guard was right, she needed to rest, she needed to be where people couldn't see her.

She nodded and began heading towards her chambers.

After arriving at her room, (Y/n) released her hold on Kaufman's arm- who then missed her warmth.

"Well, I shall be seeing you tomorrow."


She nodded, "I have no plans for tomorrow, so I thought I would spend it with you. But it's alright if you're busy."

The albino shook his head.

"No, no. I would love that."

The (h/c)-nette smiled and she then opened her door, but before she did-


She pressed her lips on his cheeks, startling the poor man.

He whipped his head and stared her in shock. (Y/n) merely giggled at his reaction and she waved a hand.

"Good night, old man."

Flabbergasted, Kaufman stuttered back, "G-Good night..." She let out a satisfied grin and entered her room.




Leaving a very flustered Duke alone to himself.

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