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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜


Her voice snapped, almost startling her ladies-in-waiting who were scrubbing her body in the bath.

"I have received a letter from the Blue Bohean Empire, your majesty."

He repeated and that made her glare at him through the folding screen. He might've mot seen it, but he could feel.

"What the hell do they want?"

Cold tone laced her voice and one of the ladies-in-waiting began to feel terrified if Piere continued to explain everything to her.

It was a good thing that her majesty's secretary was a smart man.

"I'll explain more once you're done, your majesty. We wouldn't want you throwing a fit while bathing."

(Y/n) backed down with a click of her tongue. Duchess Maya and her colleague sped up their movements as they didn't want to keep her waiting.

Once she was done, they were about to dress her out of her silk robe— but she ordered them to leave it be and dismissed them.

Without another, they left. Not wanting to witness nor do they want to get involve during her temperamental fit.

She seated herself in her soft cushioned chair and stared directly at her cousin.

"Out with it. Why did they send a letter and to what regards was it about?"

Piere pressed his lips before beginning to explain to her what it was all about. And he knew she wouldn't like what she'd hear one bit.

"The letter was marked by the Empress of the Blue Bohean Empire. It was written under her name and regarding it was..."

He paused, he straightening himself first before revealing, "The letter was all about your potential consort candidate and they wrote..."

"Duke Ergi Claude as a candidate."

And speaking of Ergi— the (h/c)-nette clenched her fist while other hand was gripping her head.

She could never forget what he did, and she'll never forgive him— not in a million years. If only he had listened, they would've ruled the world together side by side right now.


She slammed her fist with full force on to the table beside her. Although the table didn't break from the impact, it did show a long visible crack.

And one more hard impact will surely break it in half.

Her secretary jumped at the sound, he knew this would happen. But it was scary to face the wrath of a (L/n) nonetheless.

Even if you have witnessed it many times.

"Ergi... Are they trying to make a mockery out of me? Do they want war?"

"No, your majesty."

"Really? Because, it sounds like they asking for it to me."

"They may not win if war should appear, but that doesn't mean we should get too cocky. Also, war is not the right time for this."

"There is never a right time for war, war can happen anytime!"

Duke Caldwell narrowed his eyes at her, "And what? You're going to wage war just because they made Ergi a potential consort candidate for you?"


"You're going to wage war because of a stupid suitor?! You're going to risk many lives because of a stupid reason!"

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now