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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The meeting ended and (Y/n) began leaving the room— she tackled the blonde in an embrace, of course, and shot the albino mischievous grin— before leaving.

Oh and— she gave Sovieshu a light pat on the back too. Although, he secretly was expecting her to hug him just like what she did to his wife.

Knowing that they were going to chatter for a bit, the (h/c)-nette left early to seek out what was next on her schedule and—

"Your majesty~!"

He certainly wasn't a part of it.

Her smile dropped instantly and she continued to walk ahead, obviously hinting him that she was ignoring him.

She didn't even spared him a glance and when he tried to get her attention again by trying to grab a hold of her wrist—

She raised her hand before he could touch her.

She sharply turned around and glared, "What do you want?" She hissed.

Ergi merely smiled and paid no head in the venom in her tone. "I came to see you, is that so wrong?"

"Yes it is."

"How harsh~"

She scowled, "If you're only here to waste my time, then I suggest you beat it. I have other important matters to attend."

He chuckled. Honestly, no matter what she seemed to do, he would never falter. Instead, he keeps going.

"Aren't I important too?"

"To me, you're not."

He slightly bend down to her height and stared at directly in the eyes, "Is that so?"

He hummed, "I have been aching to have your love for years and yet you never show any signs of doing so."


She angrily stared at him, clenching her fists as it slowly draws out blood. She was holding herself back from ripping the Duke's head off.

"You know for a fact that I hate you to the core and yet you had the audacity to show up to my face and act so frivolous with me. Do you really think this act is going to make me love you and forgive you for what you did?"

Unexpectedly, his whole teasing and charming facade fell, and was replaced with a look of misery and regret.

"I'm not asking for you forgiveness. I don't want you to forgive me for what I did, but..."

He paused and a sad smile appeared on his face. "I want you to know that I sincerely regretted what I had done."

"Then leave me alone." Her glare never faltered, no words could express the deep feeling of hatred she felt for the man in front of her

"I'm afraid not, you may not forgive me but that doesn't mean I'll stray away from you."

He pulled away and then Rashta suddenly came into view.

"Your grace!"

As soon as she approached them, she was immediately greeted by (Y/n)'s angry gaze. Her presence was clearly fueling her fury more.


The silver-nette gasped and quickly hid behind the Duke.

She was absolutely terrified.

The moment their gazes met, Rashta felt the feeling of harsh flames surrounding her— piercing her soft skin.

Her breath hitched and she gripped the back of Ergi's clothes tightly.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now