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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Your majesty, please..."

The Duchess sighed, once their Empress had returned and transformed back into her human form—

She did nothing but giggle and squeal for the last 2 hours.

"She rubbed my head..."

"Your majesty—"

"She even wrote back to me..."

"She called you an 'inarticulate drunk', your majesty."

"Her ladies-in-waiting even said I was charming...!"

"Your ma—"

"Your majesty!"

The Duchess was about to reprimand her of her behaviour, when Duke Caldwell bursted through the doors.

His expression was clearly pissed.

"You idiot! Did you seriously forgot about—"

"And her eyes even sparkled when she looked at me."

Piere groaned loudly and it was then when he snapped.

"Empress (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n) of the Nevivon Empire!"

His sharp, booming voice managed to snapped her off from her trance. (Y/n) sat up from her bed and rose a brow.


"Mind explaining to me why the Grand Duke is here?"


"Grand Duke Kaufman of the Rwipt Kingdom."


Hurriedly, the (h/c)-nette brushed off the invisible dust on her dress and went towards her vanity table.

Duchess Maya and her secretary were watching her from the sidelines of her room.

"Are you going to tell why he's here or...?"

"I'll explain everything later. Duchess Maya,"

"Yes, your majesty?"

(Y/n) smiled at her reflection and checked herself one last time before stating,

"Assign a carriage for us outside, please."

"Of course, my Empress."

Bowing, the Duchess left the room to carry out her majesty's orders. Knowing full well already on what she was about to do.

Piere rose a brow, "Where are you going?"

Crossing his arms and his gaze never left her figure, it was only then when he noticed something on her hand.

And that was when he finally understood why she was in such a good mood.

"I'll be taking the Duke out for a little tour of the Empire, I also wanted to show him how Rwipt's resources are booming in the market."

He sighed and nodded, although there was something nagging inside him that that wasn't all the reason why the foreign Duke was here.

"Where is Grand Duke Kaufman anyways?"

"He's currently at the salon, your majesty."

Her ladies-in-waiting closely followed her from behind, happily chatting to one another as they did so.

"Do you think the bird will come visit again?"

"I do hope it returns, and with another letter!"

Laura exclaimed, as she continues to gushed about the large creature that had visited their blonde Empress.

"I should think it will be back, as long as it doesn't lose its way."

Navier giggled, sharing the same feeling of excitement as her ginger haired lady-in-waiting.

"Ahh! My heart is all aflutter from the excitement!"

"I wonder whose bird it is!"

They all giggled and gushed as they walk towards the Empress' chambers. Her lady-in-waiting then opened the door—

"Your majesty?"

Sovieshu whipped his head and his gaze met his wife's, "Ah, you've finally returned, Empress."

They certainly weren't expecting him, so it made Navier's approach a bit hesitant, she hadn't really fully moved on from their little dispute.

"What brings you here...?"

"I believe Rashta will need her very own lady-in-waiting."


Their once happy atmosphere then changed when a certain name left his mouth.

"But finding a willing noble has been difficult."

...And she had been having such a pleasant day.

"It's obvious they're all being cautious because you haven't joined in on the search. So! I want you to lead the search in finding Rashta her lady-in-waiting."

The blonde placed a hand on her chest, feeling that it was suddenly heavy.

Navier sighed and reluctantly agreed to his request, "Very well."

"Good. I'm counting on you."

After he left, the blonde Empress sat down on her chair and let out a heavy breath.

First off, his secretary came to her and told her that she needed to sign a document of approval— a document of budget for his concubine.

She was reluctant at first, as she had assumed she would need to arrange a big party for the woman before the New Year's ceremony.

But she was told that a party for the mistress was to be skipped and that the New Year's ceremony was coming anyways.

But even so, she was still hesitant but she gave in to her husband's orders.

Although she was bit surprised when she saw that his planned budget for the silver haired woman was lower than average.

Second, that woman came to see her and called her 'sister' and her reason was that they had the same husband.

And now, Sovieshu wants her to find a lady-in-waiting for his side woman?

Navier again, let out a heavy sigh. Why does it feel like there's more than what fate had originally planned?

Why does it feel like Rashta is a part of fate's plan?

"Your majesty."


"The other ladies-in-waiting are here to see you."

She nodded, "Let them in."

Once they were in, they immediately bombarded her with questions, fuming as they did so.

"Your majesty!"

"Must you really be the one to find that woman's lady-in-waiting?"

"Why, I heard his majesty's secretaries have given up."

She let out a breath, "Honestly, I don't want to..."

No, she truly don't. She never wanted to be a part of his whole affair anyways and that was something she simply couldn't avoid.

"Oh, my aching head." Countess Eliza groaned as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Why must the Empress personally find a lady-in-waiting for a mere mistress?!"

The chief lady-in-waiting exclaimed, irritated at the fact that, a high ranking woman must seek a lady attendant for a lower ranking concubine.




"My word..."

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