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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

It was the day before Navier's birthday.

And the blonde was currently walking through the halls of the main palace.

Unfortunately, Countess Eliza couldn't accompany her to the Villa, and in her place was Countess Jubel— who was walking alongside her.

Navier's mind wandered to what had (Y/n) said yesterday.

"Please make sure you don't catch Duke Ergi's eye."


"All the women that have been linked to him end up facing some kind of misfortune. Sometimes I wonder if he's cursed... It would be best if your majesty avoided getting involved with him."

One thing struck her odd though—

How did (Y/n) know all of that?

Did she experienced something with him first hand or could it be that Prince Heinley told her?

She leaned towards the latter. She had never seen the (h/c)-nette getting acquainted with the Blue Bohean Duke.

So, the Western Prince must've told her. They're friends after all.

She changed her thoughts, Prince Heinley must be her consort candidate. Navier smiled, if he was— then (Y/n) will be the most powerful woman to ever live.

And she wouldn't die a spinster.

The blonde laughed inwardly, she just hope that if ever Prince Heinley was to be her future husband... she hoped that he would treat her right.

She hoped that she wouldn't suffer a difficult marriage...

They soon arrived at the doors of the main palace, and saw an unmoving carriage with two Imperial monarchs chatting to themselves.

It was (Y/n) and Sovieshu.

Once they noticed the Eastern Empress, they both ceased their talk and shifted their focus on to her.


The (h/c)-nette greeted and approached her with a grin. "You look beautiful as always!"

Navier softly smiled and thanked her for the compliment, and she also noticed that they didn't have any luggage or attendants with them.

"Are we to ride on different carriages?"

She asked, and her emerald coloured eyes looked around. But there weren't any carriages around.

Sovieshu then looked at her with a— not so— regretful expression as he began to explain to her the situation.

"Some urgent business came up. Can you go on ahead of us?"

"If it's serious, we can cancel the trip."

"Oh no, it's not that serious."

(Y/n) shook her head and gave her a reassuring smile, but then it turned into a pout as she dramatically clung on to Navier's arm.

"I really want to skip it and go with you, but Sovi said that this matter needs me personally, so I can't skip it."

"I already told you, (N/n). The ministers wants you to oversee the meeting. And besides, I think Duke Caldwell had enough of vouching for you."

"He's my secretary, Sovi. He'll vouch for me whenever I order him to."

"Piere has been doing it for quite a while now, let him take a break."

"He's my right hand man for a reason. I'll let him take a break whenever I say so."

The Nevivon Empress stuck her tongue her out at him, as they continue to playfully bicker with one another.

The blonde looked alternately between the two of them. It was time like this that would remind her of their childhood.

She softly chuckled and gently pried off the foreign woman's hold on her arm.

"Alright, I'll go on ahead."

She went to approach the carriage and (Y/n) took liberty and opened its door for her.

"We won't take long. Go ahead and relax at the villa, and..."

She then leaned close to Navi's ear and whispered something to her.

"I will join you as soon as I finish."

She pulled away and shot her wink. The Eastern Empress shook her head playfully at her behaviour, and went to proceed inside the carriage— and her lady-in-waiting followed.

The (h/c) haired woman closed the door and the carriage began to move. She waved her hand as the wagon slowly disappeared from their sight.

The trip to the Imperial Villa was a twelve hours journey away from the capital. If both of them plan on leaving in the evening, they would travel all night until morning.

Navier was bit worried for them, but she trust that they would be fine.

She pulled out a book and began reading. Countess Jubel had fallen asleep as soon as she got into the carriage, and the blonde decided to read her boredom away.

It wasn't until motion sickness started creeping up from the moving carriage had overwhelmed her— that she closed her book and her eyes stared at the surroundings outside the window.

"I hope this trip will improve the relationship between you and the Emperor."

Countess Jubel said, letting out a yawn anf their eyes met.

She shifted her gaze from the sights of the window to her lady-in-waiting's form. Their eyes met and the latter shrugged.

"I couldn't say that in front of Countess Eliza."


"It's difficult for nobles to divorce, your majesty. There are many political complications and disagreements about how to divide assets. Who would take more benefits? But if one doesn’t care for the loss, one can divorce at any time."

"But I can't."

"It's a shame, but yes. You're the Empress. No matter how much you hate the Emperor, you cannot initiate divorce first. So it’s better to get along."


The Countess began nodding off before going to sleep once again. Navier leaned back in her seat and stared the older woman.

Did she feel bad for her because she can't divorce him?


The blonde couldn't agree with the lady-in-waiting's words. She returned her gaze back at the window again, as her mind was swirling with thoughts.

Even if she could divorce Sovieshu, she wouldn't do it.

There was simply no way.

Ever since she was child, she had always work hard to become the perfect Empress. She had trained vigorously and she studied in a specialized education.

The Empress' seat was her destination in life, and she worked hard for it. There was no way she'll be giving up that position just because some woman clung pitifully on to her husband's affections.

So she can put up with the fact that her husband has a concubine by his side.

But there was one thing she couldn't accept, and that was if all her hard work and the fruits of her efforts were to be stolen...




...By Sovieshu's lover.

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