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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Ah, there's so many."

"There's going to be more if you continue to be sluggish, your majesty."

"But I already signed a hundred of them..."

"Please don't exaggerate, you only signed eighty six of them."

"That's still too many!"

Her secretary sighed, he couldn't believe he was serving both his service and his life to this— person.


He sighed, how insufferable. He already knew what she was like as he grew up with her along with a few friends of theirs.

But no matter a day with her, there's no point of his life that he wouldn't be irritated with her.

At sometimes, he had almost forgotten what was she truly like behind the eyes of anyone. Though, he still could not bear this side of her.

But he managed.

"I've already read all of it and chose which ones you should sign, so the least you could do cooperate."

(Y/n) let out a childish sigh, "Fine~" If one could see how she was acting right now, one would say she's acting very unladylike.

And on, she continued her work. Albeit, Piere mostly did much of the work, but (Y/n) didn't mind that.

He knew that she wouldn't bat an eye to any of it anyways.

"Your majesty."

Three knocks, knocked on the door. With a soft yet composed voice echoing from the other side.

"You may enter."

Whoever was the person who knocked, respectfully obliged. Opened the door slowly and closed it carefully, as if they were afraid to break it.


"What is of matter?"

"A— Um..."

Piere rose a brow, he hadn't seen this servant before, perhaps she was new? If she was, it would explain her timid behaviour.

"Speak up."

The maid jolted in response and averted her eyes away from the Imperial duo and on to the floor.

"T—The court officials wanted t—to request an audience with her m—majesty."

It was (Y/n)'s turn to raise her brow, she halted signing the papers and looked at the maid.

She really didn't mind of her shy-like behaviour, she was more intrigued on the words the maid had said.

The maid could feel two pairs of eyes on her, making her all the more nervous and she felt like sinking from their gaze.

"And what is the reason of this?"

She gulped, "I—I don't know, your majesty." She truly didn't know, she was merely told, that the Empress' court wanted an audience with her majesty.

Timidly, she fidgeted her fingers on the apron she was wearing that was a part of her maid uniform.

The Duke was about to reprimand her on her behaviour when (Y/n) cut him off.

"Very well, tell them I shall be there as per requested and gather my ladies-in-waiting to my chambers. You're dismissed."

With that, the maid hurriedly and clumsily walked out the door she went. Not even bidding the Empress a nod or anything.



The (h/c)-nette looked up from the papers she was signing and hummed at his statement.

"That servant, she was quite rude."

"Huh—? Oh."

She shrugged, she honestly didn't mind it though, she knew that maid was new to the place, so she couldn't really blame her.

"New or not, she must know her basic etiquettes while being in front of her majesty."

"It's fine, with time, she may or may not learn some basic or so."

Dismissively, she waved a hand to drop the subject, there were far more important matters to tend to.

(Y/n) stood up from her seat, "Come on, we both know they contain little patience in them."

Not talking about the maid anymore, Piere nodded and opened the door for her, following closely behind.

"I wonder what they need an audience for."

"For newly crowned sovereign would take at least three days for their first audience."

"This one must be urgent."

As they approached her chambers, the double doors were opened by the Duke and the women inside quickly stood up and respectfully bowed.

"Greetings, your majesty."

(Y/n) nodded and went straight to where the Countess of the house of Abott was standing.

"It would have seemed the Duchess isn't present."

"Pardon her, your majesty. The Duchess merely had an appointment with her husband's doctor."

"Again? Well, I suppose."

She nodded as it was understandable. "As you may know, my court officials would like an audience with me."

The sound of gasping filled the room.

"So soon?!"


"That's too early!"

"What is the reason for this, your majesty?"

(Y/n) shrugged, "I have no clue either."

Countess Abott was then quick to silence the others, "Now, be as it may, the court wants an official with her highness. So let's not dawdle for too long and let's help prepare her majesty."

All the ladies-in-waiting were silent and they all agreed with the Countess' words.




"Let's get started now, shall we?"

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now