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˜"*°• Imperial Majesty •°*"˜

Today was the last of their stay in the Imperial Villa.

Sovieshu's fever finally had shown signs of subsiding and he was now somewhat able to move out of his bed.

Currently, (Y/n), Navier and Sovieshu were sitting at the dining table for breakfast. Ever since the Emperor's fever was now mild, he decided to make up for lost time.

He sat at the front while both women were at his sides. They were having a simple breakfast that consists of some fish and vegetables and some tea to pair it with.

They were also discussing about the lives and the economy of their Empires, it was somewhat boring— (Y/n) will admit.

But she pretended to look the least bit interested since the ravennette was unfortunate to not have been able to spend some time with them.

Or rather, with her.

The (h/c)-nette would often throw some jokes here and there to liven up the somewhat dull mood, and it earned her a few laughs and giggles from her friends.

After breakfast, Navier then excused herself— wishing to be alone for a bit since she wanted to enjoy their last stay in the villa.

Both Emperors understood and proceeded to leave her by herself. And Sovieshu felt suddenly excited at the thought of having (Y/n) to himself.

The two were currently having a stroll in the garden and the Nevivon Empress couldn't help but shot him a concerned look.

"Are you sure it is alright of you to be out here? The sun might trigger your fever."

Sovieshu felt flattered at her concerned expression and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, it's going to take than a mere fever to take me down."


She had face that look unamused and the ravennette nervous laughed, "Heh, perhaps a mere can make me bedridden for a few days, but it won't kill me."

"Majority of Kings and Emperors have died at the hands of a mere fever, Sovieshu."

"Well that's..."

Not knowing what to retort back, he pressed his lips and shyly averted his gaze from her with a small blush on his cheeks.

(Y/n) let out a laugh, "I'm kidding. Maybe a mere fever might not be able to kill the Eastern Empire's almighty Emperor."

She slightly bent over to meet his gaze, with her hands behind her back.

A teasing smirk appeared on her lips and her eyes were slightly half lidded that it made her appearance looked alluring.

He caught her gaze and a bright blush bursted on his face.

Seeing his reaction she laughed out loud before returning back to her alluring gaze.

"Jeez, Sovieshu. If you keep looking at me like that I might tease your concubine about this~"

And you can bet she'll use that to her advantage.

She giggled silently when she saw him stiffen. What a scumbag, it was so obvious that something was off when comes to him and his concubine.

But (Y/n) just couldn't place her finger in it, and she was dying to know why he insisted on having a mistress around.

"I'm kidding again!"

She bursted out laughing— again and patted his back, "It's a jest, it's a jest."

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