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˜"*°• Imperial Majesty •°*"˜

"Surely you jest, your majesty."

After reading the letter sent by the large golden bird, (Y/n) playfully scoffed and decided to send back a reply.

Much to the Duke's dismay.

The said bird was on the Empress' desk, drinking some water that the (h/c)-nette had order Piere to get.

"Hmm, what should I write back I wonder?"

"Your majes—"

"Oh! I know."

Gleefully, she graciously scribbled her reply on a small piece of parchment. Piere groaning in disapproval from behind.

Her reply reads:

"By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee."

The Duke rose a brow at this. "You're writing back the same poem?" He questioned, eyeing her closely.

She gave a small laugh and shrugged, "Such a poem that was written was one of the many sonnets I have read back at the Imperial library, when I, back then was just merely a Crown Princess."

The sonnet written on the anonymous letter, was one of the many sonnets, she and her darling childhood friend greatly enjoyed.

Just the mere thought of reminiscing her childhood made her blissfully sigh through her nose.

Even her answer to his question still didn't managed to ease his suspicions a bit. He was still very wary of the golden bird.

And very wary he is, indeed.

"Oh calm down, Piere."

"Calm? I am calm."

"Your brows are twitching."


"And your eyes are sharper than one's knife."

"Your ma—"

"And please do not stare at the bird like that, let it enjoy its water."


He grumbled and sighed, reluctantly looking away from the said bird.

(Y/n) hummed and petted the bird's head, which softly growled in response, indulging itself from her touch.

She then proceeded to tie her letter on to its leg, carefully she picked up the bird which was startled, and walked towards the window.

"Stray not away from your path now, darling."

She opened the window and the creature flew away from her arms and away from them.

Unbeknownst to her, the bird was hesitant to leave her arms as it thought that her embrace felt warm and nice.

"Do you know what you've just did?"

"No, I do not."

(Y/n) immediately replied, slowly closing the window when the large golden bird was no longer in her sights.

"Your majesty, that could be a potential threat."

"Now that's unheard of."

"What do you mean?"

She chuckled, her back was still facing the Duke.

"A person who uses sonnets as a threat sign? Now that's intriguing."

"You wouldn't know tha—"

"But of course, I wouldn't."

"And you, sending back a reply, would mean that you have played right into their hands."


"Your majesty, we should alert Sir Lémieux. We'll have him—"

The Duke was quickly then silent by her majesty, raising her hand was enough to silence him.

"Now now."

She slowly brought her hand down, her (e/c) eyes were overlooking her the grounds below her chambers.

"There is no need to inform the Captain."


"Just for this, Piere."

(Y/n) then turned around to face the Duke, her eyes gleamed a (e/c) hue and her a mischievous smirk danced on her lips.




"Let me humour them for a bit."

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