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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The sound of applause filled the cathedral, (Y/n), slowly, steps down the stairs. Still holding the holy scepter and the orb, while balancing the crown on top of her head.

It was just like when her etiquette teacher would place books on her head and she would walked a long flight of stairs.

Thanks to her years of training, she walked with ease.

Everyone watched her every move and her actions deemed flawless. Her long red cape, trailed behind her.

Her posture was straight and she held her head high, the double doors opened and everyone stood up to follow her majesty.

(Y/n) was then escorted to an open carriage, Piere, her secretary, did the honour of opening its door and she stepped in.

Once she was seated, she placed the orb on her lap. Piere closed the door and he smiled at her.

"I'll see you back at the palace, your majesty."

"Must I really need to tour the whole Empire?"

She held back a groan as it was bad manners it she were to.

Piere hummed in approval, for it was necessary for new ruler to tour all of the empire, so that he/she can immediately pin point some areas that needed improvement or help.

(Y/n) nodded her head and the carriage started to move, she turned to Piere and mouthed 'save me some cake' at him.

The secretary the gist and he sighed and shook his head in disbelief.


The gates opened and (Y/n) was welcomed by loud cheering and praising.

"All hail the her majesty, the Empress!"

"Long live our sovereign!"

"Long live the Nevivon Empire!"

"May the Gods blessed us a great dynasty!"

"Three cheers for her majesty!"

(Y/n) used her free hand to happily waved at her people, she gave them a smiled and everyone loudly cheered for her even more.

She stifled a laugh, she clenched her jaw to prevent herself from bursting. Honestly, it was hard to keep it in.

Everyone was happy and cheering, you just can't help but laugh. But throughout her venture, she happily just smiled and waved.

As it was her only role.

Her people really did love her, she ventured through from the capital to the rural areas of her Empire.

And there was a single person who wouldn't cheer for her. Everyone would step out of their house and greet her.

She would often stop and gather the little gifts people would give her, mostly children and grandparents.

(Y/n) appreciated each and every single one of them but she still have to inwardly prevent herself from groaning.

She wasn't really spared from all the waving and smiling basis, she barely had time to learn some etiquette lessons due to her uncle being so keen on her to be his successor.

And she was right about the fact that her cheeks would be hella sore after the whole celebration.

"At least I feel at ease knowing Navier came and see me."

She sighed blissfully, she daydreamed of the things she and Navier would do after the whole ordeal.

"Your majesty, a few more routes and we shall be at the palace on time."

The coachman checked his watch and he nodded at his own statement.

'Ah, a few more hours of waving a hand and giving smile before entering your own party. How fun.'

And thus she inwardly sighed and nodded at her coachman.




"Very well."

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