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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

She ran inside the maze, halting her laughter so that he wouldn't be able to follow her using her voice.

Once she was inside the hedge maze, her eyes then saw a familiar bird flying lowly above her.

She smiled and followed it. Soon, it had lead her the center of the maze.

There at the center was a small water fountain and the bird was perched on the statue's head. She smiled and reached out a finger.

The bird flew towards her and alighted itself on her index finger. It let out chirp when (Y/n) gently caressed it.

It went stiff for a bit until she removed her fingers from its body.

"Well, hello, Sir McKenna."


She giggled, her eyes drifting on to the blue bird's leg. There a letter tied to it and she went to untie it.

The letter reads:

"How have you been, my Empress? I hope you're well. I, on the other hand, have been missing you terribly so. I was thinking about joining you for her majesty's birthday, but McKenna said that it was an irrational thought. So, I settled on just writing you a letter. I also would like to note that I saw Ergi and Duke Caldwell talking to each other while passing by. I was quite far from them so I was unable to hear what they were saying and I had matters to attend to that day, thus I wasn't able to join their conversation. However, if you want for me to do something about them— don't hesitate to do so, your majesty. I look forward in seeing you again."

The (h/c)-nette let out a breath after reading Heinley's letter. The bird on her finger let out a sound of disbelief as she could tell that he was annoyed by the Prince's note.

"He decided to send a letter now? When we will be leaving by tomorrow."


She smiled softly and stroke the blue bird's head, "What ever we gonna do with him?" She chuckled.

"I suppose he did made my day less tedious, I'll have to thank him for that. But I'm curious..."

McKenna the blue bird looked up at her, her eyes drifted to a specific line from the letter.

"Why was Piere talking with that bastard?"

She narrowed her eyes as her grip on the paper made it slightly crumpled. The blue creature chirped in surprise and felt a sudden aura of menace from her.

Her mind tried to think of a reason why her cousin would suddenly strike up a conversation with the man she oh so hate.

Piere didn't exactly like Ergi, he too holds the same hate— but it wasn't that immense like his cousin.

And that made her wonder.

But she then let out a breath. She'll just have to find out tomorrow, she was sure that something had happened thus why Duke Caldwell had to talk to him.

(Y/n) folded the letter with on hand and turned her focus back on McKenna, her (e/c) eyes softened at him.

"Tell Heinley that I appreciate him making my day a bit better. Also, tell him there's no need to do anything. I shall deal with it myself."

She smiled and brought her lips close to bird's head.


The bird jumped, a bit surprised at the sudden contact of her lips.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now