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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜


"No. I was actually hoping..."

(Y/n) shyly scratched the back of her neck, slightly wincing when she felt her necklace rubbed against her skin.

"...That you might show me around, my Queen."

Due to her being slightly taller than her, (Y/n) had to lean down a bit.

That's when Navier noticed something.


Her emerald coloured eyes stared at (e/c) coloured ones.

'She keeps calling me "Queen." Could she be Queen's master?'

The (h/c)-nette hid her hands behind her back and gave the blonde a smile, "Is it too much to ask, my Queen?"

No, she couldn't be Queen's master. (Y/n) doesn't suit quite well with such an assumption.

"No, it's alright."

Her friend beamed at her words, "Thank you."

She smiled and started to walk ahead of her, "This way." (Y/n) happily walked beside her, internally squealing at the chance of finally getting in touch with her.

"Have you already been to Silver Garden? It's a garden near the South Palace."

(Y/n) nodded, "Yes. I had already visited it when I had nothing to do. My ladies-in-waiting and Piere had been adjusting themselves whilst I wandered around the place. I've pretty much explored all of the South Palace."

"I see..."

Or you have remembered everything about the palace, was what she wanted to add but decided against it.

Knowing that it might embarass her, again. Although she thought she looked cute with a flustered face.

"Hmm... Then—"

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty!"

Just then, two voices called out. One was deep and masculine while the other was very much the opposite.



'This voice.../This voice...!'

(Y/n) knew full well who was the owner of the other voice, the other one— she didn't but she couldn't care less.

But Navier knew who the other voice belonged to.

Just as the blonde was about to turn and face them, instinctively, the (h/c)-nette grabbed her hand and exclaimed.

"Actually, I think there's a place I wanted to see!"


Hurriedly, she dragged the poor Eastern Empress, who had a look of confusion on her face.

"Your majesty! Wait— Ah!"

But before she could even catch up to them, Rashta nearly tripped and fall if it weren't for the fortunate move she made with her foot.


She groaned, looking back at where her majesty went and the last thing she saw was a red skirt turning around the corner.

"Your majesty..."

"Your majesty?!"

A loud booming voice startled her, making her let out a squeak.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now