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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

It wasn't nothing at all, that mysterious woman has been inside her mind throughout the day.

And she was getting tired of it.

"If you'd like, you can go and see his majesty."

"No, his majesty is working extra hard today and I don't wanna bother him."

Kisu hummed, "How about talking a nice lovely stroll. I'm sure it'll help clear your mind."

Well, it was better than sitting there and think about Sovieshu's, possibly, new mistress, so might as well.

"Alright, Rashta will go."

They were about to continue their walk, straight ahead, when—

"Your grace!"

They both turn their heads at where the voice came from.

A nobleman who looked like he was at his twenties, approached them with a friendly

Once he had approached them, he was about to speak when he noticed a very familiar face.

"Ah, your majesty."

He greeted, bowing his head respectfully at the female monarch. (Y/n) nodded, acknowledging his presence.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, but I was told to fetch you, Duke Caldwell, Marquis Karl has been requesting for you."

"Marquis Karl?"

"His majesty's secretary."

The (h/c)-nette understood his words and she gave her secretary a small pat on the back.

"You best better go, Piere. Just report back to me once you're done."

"Your majesty?"

She nodded her head, ushering him to go. "Do not fret, I know my way."

The Duke was reluctant to go, but nonetheless, he sighed and agreed. Letting the man lead the way.

Once they were out of sight, (Y/n) continued to walk towards her destination—

"Hint. I'm a man."

She paused.

Clutching the sides of her dress in a slightly tight grip as her mind began to wander around the letter that Navier had wrote.

A man?

What did she mean by that?

Why would she wrote that down?

Was she playing some sort of game with her?

Did she perhaps knew?

She let out a breath, her mind began to swirl with numerous questions that had yet to have answers to them.

Perhaps...that was the reason she was not being herself.

Perhaps it was the reason for her current mood.

(Y/n) bit the insides for her cheek. Forget meeting with the guests, she needed answers or else she wouldn't be able to sleep well tonight.

The (h/c)-nette then changed her direction, instead of going to her initial location, she jogged lightly to where she would gather some sort of explanation.


"Pardon me, your majesty..."

The blonde Empress looked up and paused from signing a document.

"But her majesty, Empress (Y/n), is here to see you."

"Empress (Y/n)?"

Navier rose a brow, (Y/n) was here to her? She thought she would be busy preparing herself for the first day of the New Year's ceremony tonight.

But still, she stood up from her seat and nodded. The moment the blonde opened the door.

She was then met with bright (e/c) eyes.

"Ah, my Queen."

(Y/n) gave her a smile to which she returned, but before she could even speak— the Nevivonnian Empress took her hand and placed a small kiss on top of it.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting, my Queen."

With her unexpected move, Navier pulled her hand, not really used to having women kiss her hand.

But she made no ill intention about it. She honestly just thought she would expect another hug from her.

"Not at all. What can I do for you, your majesty?"

She smiled, "Ah~ As formal as ever."

(Y/n) chuckled as her eyes examined her thoroughly.

She was so beautiful.

She felt as if her spirit would float away from her body just by staring at the beautiful Goddess in from her.

The way she held herself and how she spoke made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

Navier noticed the way her (e/c) eyes scanned her, and her emerald coloured eyes stared at her worriedly.

"Your majesty?"

It was then she was snapped off her thoughts.

A vague red hue dusted upon her cheeks, flustered when the blonde had caught her staring.

She then cleared her throat, "Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to request a tour of the palace."



The (h/c) soon recognized the error of her statement.



The blonde bursted out laughing, clutching her stomach, seemingly unable to control herself.

See this is why Navier likes her, she was always refreshing to be with and was very easygoing, despite her status as both the Emperor and Empress.

And she was always the one who could make her laugh like this.

Her flustered face brightened even more, "Um— I didn't mean t-to say that..."

Timidly, she fidgeted her fingers together. Gosh, she was such an embarrassment. She was only seeing her for a second time, and here she was, already embarrassing herself.

"You must've forgotten that you had spent your schooling years here, your majesty."

The Eastern Empress' laughter slowly came to halt, but her smile never left.

The (h/c)-nette looked away, shyly. "W-Well, it's been a long while s-since I was here..."

"Last time have checked, it took you two weeks to memorize all of the palace's layouts and areas."

Well, that was because she planned on hiding from her teachers for the rest of the school years.

She didn't want to study in the Empire in the first place. But that thought instantly changed when she was soon introduced to her.

"It's an honour to meet you, your highness! I'm looking forward to be friends with you!"

(Y/n) stuttered, "I...I—I must've forgotten a-already..."

She sheepishly smiled and finally took the courage to look at her.

Navier let out a soft giggle— that made her heart beat madly— and nodded, "Very well, I shall have my ladies-in-waiting—"





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