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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The Nevivon Empire is one of the largest and most powerful empires.

Nevivon is located between the Wol Continent and Hwa Continent. It is one of the richest and oldest countries in the world

Nevivon is known for its great military defenses and diplomatic relations with other empires.

Nevivon has 148 victories in the battlefield and the Empire is also known for colonizing territories, big or small.

Many empires and kingdoms are united with the Empire, but the Eastern Empire and the Western Kingdom has the longest alliance with the Nevivon Empire in documentation.

Its landmass is one of the biggest, 3 million square miles. The ever largest landmass is about 4.7 million square miles, the name of the land is currently unknown but it is where the Grande Temple is located.

Nevivon had over 78 rulers, both those who were recorded and not. Majority were male rulers and throughout the years only 8 women have ruled over it.

These women were either widowed, have no husbands at all or were in the same situation as (Y/n). At least, it is what have been written in the book of records.

These women all majored in diplomacy, as it was one of the tactics in order to avoid war. But (Y/n) was different, she was raised differently than her ancestors.

The Late Emperor both taught her the roles and duties of an Emperor and an Empress, even though her uncle ruled the Empire single handedly.

The Nevivon Empire is not only known for its good reputation, it is also known for its bad name.

The Empire was said to be cruel and brutal as it had suffered plenty of wars before and now. Nevivon does not treat its criminals too kindly, as a simple mistake could indicate execution.

But of course, plenty of rulers in the past showed mercy to its subjects but the death caused by a simple mistake still lingered in history books.

(Y/n) hummed, laying on the sofa, while her secretary, Piere, was working on some paperwork. This was one of those days that he would fail to nag (Y/n) to do work.

"Tomorrow will be the day."

Today was particularly busy, as everyone was preparing for the grand coronation for the Empire's new monarch.

"Your highness, must you really do nothing on the day before your grand coronation?"

Piere sighed as he halted his work for a moment, he eyed her with annoyance. Even though she'll become an Empress tomorrow, her behaviour hasn't changed.

And he wouldn't bet that it would.

(Y/n) shuffled to get a comfortable position. "I tried." He rose a brow, she tried? What did she mean by that?

"You tried?"

"I got scolded for trying to change the church's walls from silver to lilac."

"You what?!"

He slammed his hands on the table, he was shocked. The destined Empress just sat there and she reached to grab a biscuit that was prepared by Stefan earlier.

"Why would you do that?!"

"It is my coronation."

She shrugged and nibbled on the biscuit while pouring herself some tea. Piere let out a breath, he should've known.

He groaned as he went back to his seat and rubbed his temples.

"Why am I not surprised?" He muttered.

Then he stood up and took a seat next to her. (Y/n) generously poured him a cup, in which he mouthed a small 'thank you' to her.

She nodded and continued to munched on her last biscuit. There were tiny crumbs on her cheeks and Piere took a napkin and wiped it off her face.

"You're gonna be an Empress and yet you eat like a child." He scoffed as soon as he was finished wiping off the crumbs on her.

"Live while you're still young, I suppose."

She smiled and he shook his head in frustration. Honestly, he found her endearing but sometimes she can be a bit much.

Then there was a knock on the door, "You may enter."

The door opened revealing (Y/n)'s ladies-in-waiting and Stefan, the ladies-in-waiting beamed when they saw their soon-to-be Empress.

"Your highness."

They bowed, Piere nodded and they took a seat on the sofa, except Stefan. He stood there and served the ladies their afternoon tea.

"Your highness,"

Duchess Maya started, taking a small sip from her cup. "Are the letters of invitation ready to be sent?" She asked, her smile never left her features.

"The letters are done but it has yet to be sent." On cue, three more butlers came, each carrying a box contain the invitation letters for the grand coronation.

They placed the boxes on to the table and Piere waved a hand, dismissing them. They bowed and quickly left the room.

The ladies-in-waiting opened the boxes with care and there, inside, were the invitation letters carefully prepared by Piere and future Empress themselves.

But mostly Piere.

As the nobles were discussing about the up-coming coronation, Stefan took the empty plates of food and replaced them with new ones, as a maid earlier came in with a dining trolley to serve them new treats.

"Pardon my interference, your highness."

Ruby, the head of the maids, said. The ladies-in-waiting halted their discussion and all of them stared at the maid in spirit of inquiry. (Y/n) nodded her head, encouraging her to continue.

"The secretary of state wishes to see you."

The future Empress placed her cup down and nodded, "I'll leave the invitations to the Duke and to my ladies-in-waiting."

She declared. She stood up and started to walk away from the social circle.




"Now, if you'll excuse me."

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