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This is me from the future to say a few of the beginning chapters aren't proof read but trust me it does start to get better,
Hope you enjoy reading xox

You were so close to being reunited with your two best friends.

Your mum had allowed you to stay at the Leaky Cauldron the day before school, after receiving a letter from George about their family staying there, following their return from Egypt,

Dearest y/n,
I am glad to inform you of your two favourite people's return. We both desire to inform you of our reappearance from foreign lands. I'm bored of writing like this. We are coming home and staying in the Leaky Cauldron (please come and meet us)
- Fred and George x

You had wrote back to them telling them that your mum said you could go to meet them, it took some convincing but she said yes regardless.

Anyways, the day was here, you were arriving at the hotel. You got showered and put on a white turtleneck, red skirt with white knee high socks and some trainers with all your stuff in your trunk ready to return to Hogwarts.

Your mum mum made you take the knight bus to get there, as she had to get back to the ministry with your father to work for the term.

As you stood outside waiting you could heard the slight fast wind, signifying they were close,

"Ah y/n back for another journey I see, where will it be?" Stan said to me.

"No formal greeting from your paper this time?" You replied, "But I appreciate the rhyming."

"What rhyming?"

"Never mind, anyway I'm off the the leaky cauldron please Stanley Shunprick." You informed him.

"Stop calling me that, right get on." He gave your your ticket as you got on with your trunk.

You looked to the front of the bus and noticed a familiar boy sitting on one of the beds,

"Harry?" You said walking towards him.

"Oh y/n hey. What you doing on this thing?" He replied.

"I use the knight bus quite often when my parents are back at the ministry. What you doing on it?"

"Oh I may have blown up my aunt," You looked at him with a face of confusion and awkwardness, "no no no, she didn't blow up blow up, she just inflated like a balloon and flew off. So I had to get out that house before my aunt and uncle could give me grief."

Like everyone, you knew his home life was tough and his guardians gave him a rough upbringing, You sometimes still wondered how his mood was almost always so positive. You hadn't really had a very loving upbringing yourself but it was hard to even imagine going through everything Harry had, especially from such a young age.

"Right sorry for that delay, off we set." Stan said walking back to the front of the bus.

"You hear that Bernie we can go again! In 2.. in 1 and go Bernie go!" The Jamaican shrunken head said as the bus began to move.

By now you knew how to not feel the velocity of the bus, but looking over to Harry, it was clear he wasn't in the same predicament.

Only about a minute or less later we arrived outside the Leaky Cauldron. You grabbed your trunk and bid your goodbye to Stan.

Just as you were about to get off, "Ah Mr Potter at last." A hunch backed man stood in front of you, blocking the way.

"Right, excuse me." You said slightly shoving past him to get off, "I'll see you later Harry." You got off and walked into the hotel getting the room key.

You went up to bed putting all of your school supplies and trunk in the corner of the room.
You then quickly changed into some pyjamas and went to bed.

You woke up, getting dressed and ready so beyond fast, putting on a similar outfit from the day before. You had put on a black turtleneck top, white skirt, black knee high socks and some trainers, straightening your hair slightly, to keep it tame, and some light makeup to just hide any blemishes you had. You then put on some mascara and lipgloss, before heading downstairs.

You headed into the main dining type of room seeing Fred and George annoying the trio,

"Not past your annoying stage yet boys." You questioned standing behind them crossing your arms.

They both turned their heads so quick before pushing up off their chairs to sprint towards me,

"Oh hell no." You knew they were going to charge at you to hug you or something but you were not feeling the most affectionate.

You uncrossed my arms ready to run away,

"Y/n you know you won't be able to outrun us." Fred said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" You said before suddenly bolting off, with the twins close behind.

You wriggled in between all the wizards trying to get to the room before the twins could get to you.

You ran up the stairs hearing the twins so very close behind. You continued to dash down the hall so close to your room. You opened the door, but before it could be closed, 2 tall gingers barged right though.

Before you could say anything Fred had tackled you onto the bed, holding the skirt you were wearing slightly, so it wouldnt flip up, he restrained you- laughing as George moved closer.

"You shouldn't have run y/n." George said.

He then began to tickle you, you were almost screamed from the discomfort of being tickled before he eventually stopped.

You then wiggled out of Fred's arms and pushed George away, still laughing,

"You dick heads." You said slightly out of breath to them both.

You stood up to straighten your clothes.

They both got up and gave you a tight hug,

"How was Egypt?" You asked curiously.

"It was alright, mum was being a right bore though." Fred said, smiling.

"Yeah, wouldn't let us do anything." George continued.

"How was your summer?" Fred had asked in return.

"I mean it was okay. My father was spending most of his time at the ministry while my mum was always out with my Aunt. So I was alone most of the time. Can't lie and say I didn't miss you both." You replied.

You had noticed Fred was looking you up and down quite slowly before he reached your confused eyes,

"You look different. " He stated.

You had begun noticing your body changing over the summer, you know hips widening, breasts getting bigger, ass taking shape etc etc.

"Right, okay?" You said acting like you didn't know what he was talking about.

"Better get back downstairs mum's probably wondering where we got off to." George said.

You all walked back down talking about the return of Sirius black,  you was slightly concerned but he can't get into Hogwarts right?

This is my first ever story so I hope this chapter was okay for you all. If you find this story please share it and interact with it, it will help me A LOT! As said in the description this story will contain some sexual scenes (smut) in the future. I will put a warning before these scenes for anyone who finds it uncomfortable to read.
Stay well and stay safe!
- i <3

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