To the Castle

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Since being at Sirius' old family house you had learnt a lot. Sirius had hope for your father being a nice man, until you revealed the truth about him,

"He may have broken pure blood supremacy in my house Sirius, but he's no good man." You looked to him.

"How do you mean?" He replied.

"My father has hurt me.. many times." You looked back to the tapestry of the family tree, "and he's joined them." You sighed.

"You always have the chance to make the difference y/n. You." Sirius told you, it was quite inspiring.

Harry also had gone for his trial, he came back an innocent man. But he informed of the ministry's delusion,

"I tell you, they want me gone!" Harry shouted in annoyance.

"How do you mean they want you gone?" You replied taking some biscuits. 

"They think me as a threat or a liar, they hindering with my life and my safety. They know what they're doing and they wanted me to be gone." He walked up to his room.

You all looked around the room at each other, I feel like this will be an eventful year.

Molly got you all up bright and early to get ready to leave for school, you had packed a few days in advance and already charmed your trunk to not have any sufficient weight. Fred and George once again were not in the same predicament.

You were still in your pyjamas as you walked into their room, they were both completely uncaring to the fact they weren't ready to leave.

"Boys, come on. I'm helping you." You said cross legged in the middle of their floor, folding clothes and putting them neatly into their trunks. You looked over and saw George was may more focused in neatly packing up their products, they were selling at school, than his clothes.

You later out George's trunk on his bed and put in multiple shirts, cardigans, jumpers, jeans and pyjamas.

"George I'm not putting your underwear in there, you can do it yourself." You told him.

You looked over and saw Fred was attempting to neatly fold his clothes. He clearly hadn't paid attention to Mollys demonstrations every year so you took it upon yourself. You sat down next to him.

"You can't fold clothes like that." You laughed a little taking the shirt from his hands. "I'll show you, you copy." You chucked another shirt at his face. You demonstrated the correct way to him, "and there you go, near enough perfect." You smiled at yourself, you looked over to Fred's one, he hadn't done it. You looked at it confused and looked up to see Fred slightly smile pouting at you. You looked back at him smiling before nudging him and getting back to his clothes.

"Should I go for a shower first?" George asked closing his trunk.

"Uh, yeah go for it." You responded, closing Fred's, "I might get back to my room now." You said standing up from the floor. Fred shot up after you.

"Wait." He gently grabbed your chin, while looking into your eyes. You got onto your tiptoes unable to resist the urge. He planted a short soft kiss onto your lips. "Thanks for the help." He said. You blushed a little and left the room.

Your head still was quite confused. You were slowly easing into things again with Fred and all those feelings and emotions were flooding back in. You didn't just want it to be a friends with benefits thing anymore, if he wanted you he wanted you for more than all that.

You'd gotten letters from all your friends for brief catch ups, and you were glad Charlotte didn't try and write, she also didn't write to either of the twins. You wanted to be civil with her maybe, but she completely betrayed you and lied to Fred to get with him. She didn't even deserve your time of day to confront her, but if need be you had no problem with doing so.

Later on you got to the station you walked in between Fred and George behind Harry.  You got to the platform and boarded the train. You found the compartment you usually stayed in for the journey. It was empty.

You sat opposite the twins, and waited for more people to arrive on the train. Lee soon arrived at sat in the compartment next to George.

"Y/n Bardot, fancy seeing you here." Lee said. 

You looked up at him and smiled, then looking out the window. The train started to move.

"So no Angelina and Charlotte then?" Lee asked looking around.

"Doesn't seem like it." Fred said.

"Oh well, I like it being us four." You added.

You spent the train journey feeling care free, you read for a little bit, spoke with George, Fred and Lee and waited until it was time for you to change into your robes.

You went into the toilets and took of your clothes, getting into your uniform. You pulled up your skirt and realised it was a little shorter than you remembered, it will do. You put on your robe and pulled up your socks.

You strolled back to your compartment and opened the door, Fred was doing up his shirt buttons, you couldn't help but look at his exposed chest. As he done his top button you looked to his face, he was looking down at you raising an eyebrow. You felt slightly embarrassed so you looked out the window.

"So moody isn't the defence against the dark arts teacher, so do you have any ideas who it is?" You asked looking to the boys.

"Not a clue, but how much worse can it get. The only good one we've had recently was Lupin and he's not allowed back." Lee replied.

"I hope they aren't a prick." George said.

"I'll second that." Fred added.

The train pulled up onto the platform, you took your bag and walked to the carriages. George helped you on as you took a seat.

You were directed into the great hall ready for the sorting ceremony.

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