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You made your way back through the castle, walking past so many panicking people. You wanted to stop and help but you had other priorities in mind.

You walked through and saw even the paintings were moving out of their frames to protect themselves.

"Mcgonagall!" You shouted, as she stood watching the shield fall.

"Y/n Bardot." She turned and smiled for a second.

"How long would you say we have?" You asked seeing all the small spells making some damage to the protection.

"I don't know, we weren't prepared enough." She admitted.

"No one can be fully prepared for something like this. I was ready for bed until Fred came in and told me this was happening."

"What are you down here for y/n?" She questioned.

"Well obviously Dumbledore wanted me to help fight this with my power. And that's what I'm going to." You responded.

"You know you don't have to put yourself in danger like that dear. You need to be safe as much as the next person."

"I will be safe." As you turned away from facing her a much larger spell hit the shield. It was falling from all over. It was officially the beginning of the end.

You began building up your power seeing multiple deatheaters and people devoted to the dark Lord running your way. It was going to take them a little bit of time to reach you. Most people were still inside. Leaving you almost alone to deal with them.

Come on y/n, it's now or never, life or death.

A couple were breaking their way through and holding their wands up. You focused your force on them and saw them fly over the front walls and down the large fall.

"How did you do that?" A student came up behind you.

"Go back inside." You ordered.

"You're y/n Bardot aren't you? You went missing a couple years ago."

"I really don't think nows the time to be asking me this." You said directing your force at more of the opposition.

"Please protect us miss." He said before going back inside. You didn't know who he was but his little innocent plea and voice was enough for your force to become stronger.

These helpless children didn't have the chance of escape, they were all scared and barely knew ten spells. They were being hidden, kept away but that doesn't mean someone won't find them.

More of the people were coming. They were fighting the stone guards on the bridge, but some were able to slip through. More people were now outside. As they got closer you really focused and let a larger gush of your force leave you. It pushed away at least fifteen of them, either off the bridge or backwards away from the castle. You stayed doing that with each one that came through using your wand to deflect any small spells they were throwing. But things became slightly more difficult as some of them starting coming from all directions, they'd found another way in. 

Quite a few teachers and students were fighting outside of the castle, you were still trying to keep as many of the people away as possible. You were also trying to stay calm at the same time. Your force was now somewhat dangerous to use there were too many people you didn't want to hit near them all, it was now time to fight with your wand.

You saw a spell being thrown at you, it was a disarming one.

"Protego." You protected yourself from the spell and instantly threw one back at him, "Duro." You watched as the man began turning into stone. He dropped his wand and was solid, falling back and crumbling into a thousand pieces. You did what had to be done. You picked up his wand and put it in the waistband of your trousers.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now