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The next morning you felt the anger towards Fred much more. You had let what had actually happened really sink in. Out of everyone, Charlotte. She was one of the most trustworthy people you knew.

You decided you were going to see Dumbledore today too, to try and understand how you were able to create force with your anger.

You got ready for your Sunday, putting on some leggings and a crewneck- to keep comfortable. You couldn't sit with either of them so you were going to find Adrian, Cedric and Cho and spend whatever time out of your room with them instead.

As you finished getting somewhat ready for the day you left your room. The common room was now back to its appropriate state and you noticed Fred sitting on the couch with Angelina and Charlotte. As you began walking down the stairs everyone's heads sharply turned to face you.

You walked past looking sternly into Fred's eyes. You knew you could make your eyes speak a thousand words, and you wanted to use that against them both. You noticed Fred looked rough, like he was suffering from 10 hangovers and regret. But it didn't bother you.

You snapped your head back forward and made your way towards the great hall to eat something for breakfast. Looking around many people in your year looked absolutely awful, definitely from suffering a good night.

George was sitting with Lee, as you couldn't see Adrian yet you sat with them for the time being.

"Hey y/n, you look a bit tired. You okay?" George asked inspecting your heavy eyes.

"Me? Yeah maybe just a bit hungover." It was a lie. You hadn't really drunk much at all. But you couldn't possibly explain it to him or Lee.

"Everyone in here looks rough don't they?"Lee asked looking round the great hall.

"Yeah, seems we all look a right side better then them all." You laughed lightly.

"So where'd you get off to last night? You kind of just vanished." George said.

"Oh I went to bed early." You lied again.

"No you didn't, we went to see if you were in your room and your bed was empty." Lee told you.


You looked towards the great hall doors, both Fred, Charlotte and Angelina were walking in at the same time as Adrian and Marcus.

Fred walked in first as Adrian spilt from Marcus and followed right behind. Adrian smiled at you. You stood from your seat and smiled walking towards Adrian. You noticed out of the corner of your eye Fred's confusion, does he think I'm walking to him. This should be a slap in the face.

You shoved past Fred slightly and reached Adrian. You hugged him while directing him to a different part of the table. As you sat you could feel everyone's eyes digging deep into you. But it didn't give you much bother. You took some cereal and began taking to Adrian.

He too didn't drink much at the party so wasn't hungover, which meant you could actually have a decent conversation with him.

"Are you okay y/n? You seem a little off. You don't need to pretend to be happy you know." Adrian reassured.

"Honestly Adrian, it hurts. I can see they both feel regretful, especially Fred. But that doesn't change what they did. I know I don't have much right to be angry. But I feel used." You admitted, "and they're both sitting there- having the decency to be staring at me."

"I knew you had a little secret something going on. I mean yeah, I liked you, would be lying if I said I didn't still. But if you ever need to talk to anyone or get out of your common room you can always come find me whenever. I need some more book recommendations anyway." He gave you a reassuring smile, eating some toast.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now