The Start Of Us

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After the ceremony, you had a few photos taken with you and Fred, as well as some of the guests. You also had to get some photos on your polaroid camera, wish you could be here for this Cedric.

Once all of the after photos were sorted you went upstairs with Fred to let the reception be checked and finished. The guests all stood around the foyer with some drinks chatting.

"Oh my gosh." You said closing your door and going back to Fred excitedly, embracing him in a very tight hug.

"Knowing our luck, I thought something was bound to go wrong in there somehow." Fred said back. "Now let me get a proper look at my bride." He gently traced his hand down your arm and lightly picked up your hand. You done a small spin as he continued to hold your hand high.

"Do you like?" You asked, stopping the spin and looking back up at Fred.

"I love it, I love you." His eyes were looking at every individual detail of your dress, "you know we might have time for some fun..." he was smirking giving you the look you knew all too well.

You had put a sex ban on the lead up to the wedding, which was going strong. You wanted the first time to be passionate, desiring, hot.

"Have we had the reception yet?" You asked, looking at his belt and slowly pulling parts of his shirt out from the waistband.

"No. But I like where this is going." He tilted your chin back up.

"I want to have a long, long, long time with you tonight, where you can touch me wherever you want. But not right now." You removed your hands from his shirt and smiled, knowing you had given him false hope.

"Fuck." He whispered, slightly speechless.

It was flattering to see after all this time you had this effect on him. Just from a simple touch you could control a lot.

You could hear the rustle and bustle of the guests downstairs. For a second you were struck with deja vu over hearing a similar noise before the grand ball your parents threw to wed you off.

"This is a bit ironic." You said, sat on the edge of your bed.

"I don't follow, what's ironic?" Fred asked.

"Last time I was here in a big dress, all ready for a ball, my parents- well more my dad- were trying to get me to marry into money. Now I am back again, this time I am married. For love." You smiled seeing his face beam with happiness.

"I love you y/n weasley. I hope you do know that."

"Are you joking, I love you more than anyone else. I survived for you, and you survived for me. Besides all odds we stand infront of eachother, as one." You couldn't resist kissing him again, you kept it gentle to begin with. It didn't take long for the kiss to become fierce.

You both began fighting for breath, your hands were under his coat, nails scratching around his back- while his found the zip to your dress.

"Do you think we have time?" He asked.

"Maybe not, but we will try." You said, breathing heavy. Feeling hot all over.

He shrugged the jacket off his shoulders.

"Oh sister in law!" You heard 2 set of feet coming up the stairs. One being George.

"You have got to be fucking me." You said releasing your lips from Fred's.

"Nope, unfortunately it seems I'm not." Fred spun you round and don't your dress back up, he picked his jacket off the floor and chucked it on the bed and begun tucking his shirt in.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now