The Map

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"I really don't think we should give it to him." George complained as we went outside.

"We have had our sun with it, Harry needs it more than you." You replied to him pushing the map into your coat pocket.

You went out into the snow and looked up at the sky as it fell down on your face.

"Wanna help us build a snowman." Fred said from behind you leaning over you as you looked up.

"Of course."

You went over to where George had begun the body of the snow man.

"So you didn't want to go to Hogsmeade after all?" Fred asked helping you roll the snow for the head.

"No. I didn't really need anything and I know you weren't going so it wouldn't have been any fun."

"What can I say, I am a man who provides all the fun." Fred said with a confident tone, and winking when you look up at his face.

"Oh sod off." You said rolling your eyes and shoving him back to his twin.

"Y/n!" Cedric called running across the courtyard you were in.

You stood up.

"You not coming to Hogsmeade then?" He said- sounding slightly disappointed.

"Oh no sorry, I wanted to have fun in the snow with Fred and George. Maybe we can go together another time." You replied.

"Yeah sure, that would be nice." He added, while turning to walk back into the castle.

You turned around and saw Fred's eyes stuck onto you, but looked back down once Cedric was fully gone.

Fred's POV
I don't know. Seeing Diggory and even Pucey talking to her made me almost jealous. I didn't want any of these no good boy toys trying to get her attention when I wasn't even sure what I wanted yet, but all I was certain on was that I didn't want her with them.

Y/n's POV
You had put your snow man head onto the body George and Fred had poorly made, when the crowds of students going to Hogsmeade began building up.

The twins being, well themselves, were picking up snowballs and chucking them at innocent students as they were leaving.

You on the other hand shoved some sticks into the snowman's torso, along with your hat and scarf.

George ran to the other side of the courtyard and began targeting Lee until he was too far away to reach.

"Darling, won't you get cold?" Fred asked.

"Most likely, but doesn't it look so much better."

If you were being honest with yourself, the nickname was growing on you. It was nice to hear something other than 'y/n' or 'Bardot' when being referred to. Not that you had a problem with you name, but it was nice to have something.. different.

While in your thoughts you noticed Fred talking off his hat and pulling it onto your head.

"Much better." Fred told you, his arms out straight as he held your shoulders.

"Alright love birds, anything else we can add to our gorgeous snowman." George said to the both of you as he walked closer.

You were glad it was cold, the rosiness of your cheeks (from the cold) was able to cover the blush forming. Fred punched George in the arm as he smiled and laughed.

You then noticed and pointed to some footprints in the snow.

Fred and George sneaked up to the footprints and grabbed something, it was Harry.

"You're clever Harry."

"But not clever enough."

You watched as they pulled Harry to the clocktower, and then started to jog to catch up with them.

Harry was complaining up until he was put onto the stairs.

"Now Harry come and join the big boys." The two twins said in unison, you sniggered at the nicknames they gave themselves- thinking back to the great hall incident.

"What are you doing." Harry said frantically, taking off his cloak.

You gave the map from your pocket to George, who passed it on to Harry.

"What's this rubbish?"

"What's this rubbish he says." Fred said mocking Harry to his twin. "That there is the secret to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." George added.

"But we decided-" Fred began.

"I decided." You butted in.

"Your needs are greater than ours. George if you will." He pointed down onto the empty map.

George pulled out his wand, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map then began forming as Harry read out the front page.

Harry then began to realise what the map was, you stood in between Fred and George, admiring the map- before it was no longer under your watch.

"Is that really-"

"Dumbledore." Fred said.

"In his study." You added.

"Pacing." George joined to say.

"Does that a lot." You all said in unison.

You gave a double high five to the twins that you were all able to pull that off with such grace.

"So you mean this map shows.."

"Everyone." You started.

"Everyone? Harry questioned.

"Everyone." George replied.

"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day."

The twins took turns in reciting their other speech.

"Brilliant. Where'd you get it." Harry questioned looking between the three of us.

"They nicked it from Filch's office of course." You said with some annoyance of their actions in your tone.

"First year." Fred said smugly.

They then finished explaining to Harry how the map works and how he can get to Hogsmeade unscathed.

"Now we best be off Harry, have fun." You said leading the twins off.

"I already miss it." Fred exclaimed as it dragged behind.

You turned and walked backwards to speak to Fred, "you explored all the secret passage ways. It was just sitting around collecting dust these days. It will be put to much better use."

He rolled his eyes as she walked past you, and turning you around.

You followed the twins who were now in front of you into the great hall to eat some lunch, and drink some hot chocolates to warm up.

You had realised you still had Fred's hat on,

"Oh god sorry Freddie, I still have your hat." You said about to take it off.

"Oh no don't worry about it y/n, you can keep it. I'll probably get a new one from mum for Christmas."

Fuck. I forgot the holidays were coming up. I have to go gone this year as my grandmother what's to see me. But being true to myself, I would rather have stayed here in the castle.

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