Getting Worse

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More time had past since being ruthlessly taken off the streets. You almost were able to escape last time, which enraged your father.

Everything got worse for you from that moment on. You were no longer in your bedroom. You were locked inside a solemn room with only a mattress in a corner.

You mother had been trying her best to make amends with you, she came down everyday and tried to talk to you.

You could tell she had gone a little off the rails since you last saw her. You felt a little bit of sympathy for her. You just sat in the corner with your arms on your face hidden behind them as she spoke to you.

She was having a normal conversation with you, like she normally did.

"Does he hit you?" You asked her out of the blue.

"What was that sweetie?" Your mother asked back.

"Does he hit you, Rodger?"

Her smile faded, pain filling her eyes.

"Does he?" You questioned her again.

She sat still with a numb expression on her face near the door of the room you were in. She sat for a little while before tears started falling from her eyes.

You pushed yourself from the corner and started moving towards her.

"Hey, no don't cry. We're Bardot women we're strong." You said hugging her.

Even though you despised both your parents you knew some of the pain she was feeling, and you also knew she had to endure it a lot more than you did.

"I'm trying so hard for you y/n." She cried.

"I know you are, we will survive this okay? I'll help you, once we leave I'll give you money for you to start over. You won't have to be put through this any longer." You comforted her.

As you moved your head back you had the chance to inspect her. She was covered in faded bruises and a few scars, also looking a lot more frail.

"I really am sorry for everything y/n, you have to believe me. I want to protect you as your mother but he's too strong." The door started to open, one of the guards were taking your mother out of your room.

"I love you y/n." She blew you a kiss as she was being dragged out.

As the door closed again you walked over to your mattress and instantly broke down. It was all too much for you now. The Christmas ball was not too long away and at this point you knew your father could easily get his way from the power he had. The only thing keeping you somewhat strong was, Fred. Nothing was worth living if you didn't have him anymore, you would be with him again.

You didn't lose hope fully ever. The freedom was so ridiculously close to you more and more everyday.

As the day went on you stood and walked to the small glass window you had in the room and looked at your reflection.

You thought you had hit rock bottom before, but you were wrong. Things were only getting worse as the hours passed by, and you were soon to be wed off, most likely to a middle aged, greasy man looking for a younger woman.

"Y/n, you have to go to the dining room." A guard ordered.

"What for?" You spat.

"Watch your tone little girl, you know what happens when you don't watch your tone." He dragged you out of the room.

You were pushed out in front of the table to stand on a small platform, infront of your father.

"What is this shit?" You asked, he raised his eyebrow and pulled up his wand.

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