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You walked down the stairs in the common room and saw Harry bouncing his leg, showing nerves.

"Harry?" He turned. "Harry are you okay?"

"Not quite. I'll save my sarcasm on you."

"I don't want to ask, because I kind of know but what's wrong?" You sat next to him, placing your books onto your lap.

"I didn't put my name into that cup y/n."

"I believe you Harry, I don't think you would put yourself into danger like this. Plus no offence but I don't think you could get past that age line." You reassured him.

"It's nice knowing someone believes me round here. Ron's even throwing a hissy, he thinks I put my name in without telling him. It's ridiculous." He huffed, "I found out the first task by the way. I'm a dead man walking." He said, looking down.

"It can't be that bad, what is it?" You asked.

"I have to take an egg from a dragon. Charlie brung them over."

"Charlie was here? I haven't seen him in years. Did you get a chance to catch up with him?" Harry looked over at you, "sorry, that may be tough. Do you have any clue how you will do it?"

"Not one. I'm only allowed my wand. So I'll be reciting and finding out some spells."

"How did you find out? About the dragons."

"Hagrid snuck me out to see them."

"Do the others know?" You questioned, referring to the other champions.

"I think Fleur and Krum do but I'm not sure on Diggory." He stated.

"I think you should tell him. It would be rude not to." You did think it would be unfair if everyone knew except Cedric, but as his friend you also wanted to make sure he was fully prepared, hoping it would lower the risk of injury.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I'll go with you." You said standing and walking with Harry through the halls.

The badges you had told Cedric to get rid of, were more popular than ever. Most students wore them, especially the slytherins and hufflepuffs. While walking with Harry many people were walking past making sly comments, you looked at Harry- he was just trying to ignore it.

As we got to the archway to get into the courtyard a group of hufflepuffs blocked the way pointing to their badges.

"Fucking hell move." You said forcing your way through them both, with Harry close behind. No one really liked to mess with you these days, since the vault was common knowledge to all students, they usually let you get away with most things you said to them.

"Diggory. Potter wants to talk to you."

"Read the badge potter." One of his friends said, as Harry walked off with Cedric.

"So miss Bardot, what you doing later tonight. My dorms open." One of his friends said, standing up, going in front of you.

"In your dreams sunshine. I wouldn't go near a pig pen like yours." Your replied, pulling a face of disgust.

"Plus she's already reserved, by me." Fred said coming up behind you, towering over the hufflepuff.

He rolled his eyes and sat back down. Fred grabbed your arm and pulled you along with him.

"Those little fuckboys." He almost grunted taking you to the common room.

"Freddie calm down, it's fine." He had begun becoming slightly possessive over you, and it was more obvious everyday.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now