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The 3rd task was now only days away. Everyone was extremely excited. No one was quite sure how it was going to work, but that's all part of the fun. Cedric seemed to be getting more confident in himself, yet still trying to hide his nerves.

"I know you'll be fine Diggory." You told him, as he let his guards down.

"I don't want to disappoint everyone. I'm a hufflepuff. People like me don't usually get people believing in them." He stated.

"I believe in you. I've believed in you all this way. Look at you, you won the last one and beat the first. You will do this, and if you don't win. Who cares?"

"I care."

"Well maybe, but remember you've put up a great fight. I don't doubt you." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder.

You looked behind him, and saw Fred staring, perhaps waiting for you to leave Cedric.

"I have to go Cedric. I'll see you later." You jumped off the wall you were sitting on and turned walking the other way from Fred.

You paced down the corridor and found yourself turning every corner to avoid him. You knew he'd follow. He always does. He tries everything to talk to you alone.

You turned your head around and saw him also walking very quickly looking towards you.

You were looking back as you turned a corner bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry- oh Adrian hey."

"Why you in such a rush y/n?" He asked.

You turned and saw Fred looking towards you, turning back around and walking out the closest exit.

"Ah I see. Why don't you hear him out? I know you want to." Adrian said.

"Of course I want to. But he lies. He won't tell me the real reason he all of a sudden wanted to fuck Charlotte. And I don't have time for liars." You admitted.

"I understand. Look I would love to talk but I have to go." Adrian looked over your shoulder and smiled.

You turned around too to see a Slytherin girl waiting for him.

"Oh okay, have fun." You winked before leaving him.

You walked up the astronomy stairs and sat on the edge of the tower. It was still daytime so you were able to appreciate the castles surroundings much more.

"Pretty isn't it?"

"Charlotte I don't want to talk to you." You spat.

"I know but please don't run. I've messed up big time. Trust me I know." She admitted.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock."

"Look please I am sorry, I promise I am. I know I've dug myself a really big hole, but I wasn't thinking about you. I'm not going to lie. I do fancy Fred a bit. I initiated it all-"

"He didn't stop it though Char." You stated.

"I know he didn't. But I have admitted my feelings to him. I wasn't trying to get with him but I had to tell him. He said we couldn't be anything at all. Because of you."

"Because of me?" You turned.

"Y/n you're eyes. Are you okay?" She said.

You were deeply controlling your force, to avoid forcing her down the stairs or off the tower.

"I'm fine. What about me?" You questioned.

"I don't know. That's all he said. You need to talk to him. And all this is killing him you need to-"

"Charlotte I don't need to do anything. What don't you understand. You both messed up. Not me. I have nothing to do with all this. If he really cares as much as you're saying this wouldn't have happened. Now I suggest you leave before something terribly bad happens to you." You said with anger filling your tone.

She obeyed, "y/n I need you to know we are both desperately sorry. I swear on it." She left.

You put you head onto your arms, that were holding the railing and let out some soft tears. All this still hurt, and when you had to face it. Things felt worse. You wanted to talk to him about it all, much more than ever, but something was stopping you.

You didn't stay at the tower for long, you decided to go back to your dorm and run yourself a nice bath to detoxify and relieve yourself.

Fred's POV
She walked in. Hands in sleeves. Held down low. Shoulders tensed. She had been crying. I could see. I know I'm the person to blame for this pain that's been put on her. And it's clear to me how much she cared. Lee called her over, but she ignored him and scurried up to her room. I'll have to tell her sooner or later. No matter how she responds.

Y/n's POV
The bath had helped. You were able to get into your own headspace and tell yourself everything was going to be okay. You had a lot to be thankful for.  You could single handedly financially support yourself for possibly the rest of your life, you were much closer with new friends, you were out of your toxic household and the year was close to the end. You had a plan for summer. You were planning on buying a muggle house. On the outskirts of London and live there on your own, not telling anyone about it.

Usually, you would either go home or stay with the Weasleys but considering neither of those were on the table you had to think of an alternative option.

Going to leave this chapter here lols :P
I'm going to make the next chapter the third task so look out for that!! xo

-i <33

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