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The next morning you woke up, still in Fred's arms. It seemed as though as you slept with each other neither of your body's moved, you stayed close to him the entire night.

The sky was still dark outside, regardless that it was morning. You payed attention to the room and couldn't hear Fred's soft sleeping exhales.

"Freddie?" You whispered.

"Morning darling." He whispered back, squeezing his arms from where they were and planting a small kiss onto your temple.

"Should we watch sunrise?" You asked looking out the window from your bed.

"I would love to, but won't it be cold out there?" He asked, sitting himself up.

"Yeah maybe. There's snow out there so, maybe another day." You sat up with him on the bed.

You didn't have to start getting ready any time soon so you turned on your bedside lamp and got up to get your book. You stood and began walking and was hit with a pain below your waist. Your body clearly was not ready for the night you had.

You limped your way to your drawers, hearing a light chuckle from Fred.

"Laugh again Fred, I have no remorse to use a certain unforgivable curse on you." You threatened.

As you now had your book, you turned to get back in your bed. Fred was now central and had his legs apart tapping in between them, space for you to sit. You crawled into your bed and sat yourself in between Fred's legs, leaning back on his torso. He pulled the duvet over the both of you, resting his hands on your thighs.

You smiled from his touch and opened your book. A few minutes in Fred began playing your your hair. His patience intolerance had kicked in. He was loosely braiding your hair and moving it out of your face and neck.

Another few minutes went by and Fred began sloppily kissing the side of your neck. You moved it to one side, still trying to focus on your book. He didn't stop, he continued sloppily kissing your neck, loitering with every kiss. You sighed as your felt his mouth on your neck.

"What are you doing Fred?" You asked, closing your book.

"Nothing darling. I'm not doing anything." He acted innocent.

"I can't concentrate on my book." You stated, turning your face to look to him.

"Can we just lay here?"

"And do what?" You questioned.

"I have a few things in mind." He smirked.

"Fred, do you not think you done enough last night. I can barely walk, if we go at it again- I'll be broken. Maybe later okay?" You said.

"Okay kitten."

"What's this new kitten thing?" You giggled.

"I just like it. Kitten."

You rolled your eyes and laid back onto him. You enjoyed his company in silence. You could see the skies lightening outside, showing the sun was now rising.

"Should we get up?" You asked, "don't want to be late for breakfast."

"We can do. I need a shower."

"So do I, you however, can go into your own shower today. You take too long and I'm not waiting around for you." You started to get out of bed, trying to walk off your pains.

"Fine." He sighed, rolling out of your bed and taking his uniform with him.

"I'll see you in a little bit." You smiled and got into the shower.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now