The Attack

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"That was amazing!" You shouted, Krum finally caught the snitch, meaning the game was over.

"Yes, and as we thought. Ireland still one." George said looking round nervously.

"Georgie who are you looking for?"

"Y/n don't kill us but we may have betted on the game. And kind of won." Fred told you,

"Who'd you make a bet with?" You asked.

"Bagman." George said to you, almost sounding disappointed.

"Don't get your hopes up that you'll be getting that back boys, I could give you what you earned. I know what is for I saw your papers."

"Y/n, we don't want to take your money from you." Fred exclaimed, kicking the ground.

You soon were to leave the stadium, going back to your tent. Most people were celebrating the Irish win, you were glad that you were supporting the winning team.

As you arrived back in your tent, there was a letter on your bed,

Meet me at the merchandise stall asap,

"Hey Arthur, would you mind if I went out for a little bit, Cedric wants to meet up." You handed him the letter.

"No that's fine, but wear a coat it's getting colder outside." He replied.

You didn't decide to take a coat, since everyone was outside celebrating, their air was heating up the natural one.

Fred's POV
"Have you seen y/n George?" I asked my brother.

"She's gone out boys, to go see Cedric. He left her a note." Dad replied to me.

Why is she spending time with him, I shouldn't over think it, I doubt there as close. And I trust her.

I saw dad started lighting the fire, before going outside to check the celebrations. George and I began dancing in victory. Ron then began splurging his love for Krum, which led Harry, George and myself to sing a song. Commemorating his love.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." I said, hearing what I assumed to be fireworks.

"Stop! Stop it!" Dad came in with urgency, "it's not the Irish, we've got to get out of here now."

We all exited the tent as quickly as we could looking around and seeing everyone running in fear. But only one thing was on my mind, "Dad, where's y/n? We can't leave without her."

"Son we might have no choice. Everyone get back to the port key and stick together!"

Y/n's POV
You had just finished catching up with Cedric, so you began walking back to the tent. While walking you noticed smoke coming from the distance, and a lack of people. This can't be good. You soon began to run through rows of tents in hope to see the Weasley family. Tents were on fire, people were screaming.

"Fred! George?! shit." You said, shouting names in hopes to find someone. You saw a flash of light hit the space right behind you, someone was flashing spells.  This made you run faster, you ran like you had never run before and that's when you saw them all. Huddled assessing the situation,

"Arthur!" You shouted, "you have to run! Go now!"

Everyone almost looked shocked to see you alone running towards them. But took you advice and began running to find the port key.

As you turned while running, you saw a death Eater following you holding up their wand, "Guys we need to go, someone's not backing down." Both the twins turned and saw the masked man getting closer.

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