A Final Wish

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It had been a few days since you celebrated the life of Cedric, 2 years since he had passed. You wrote to his father, Amos Diggory, and wished him all the best and shared more stories about Cedric you hadn't yet told him.

You knew he really appreciated it because his whole family really missed him everyday and probably wanted to reminisce with happy memories rather than mourn over sad ones.

Even though it was summer you couldn't yet avoid the darkness of what felt like autumn. It was cold and dull outside, much different to how it had been all of the other summers.

You were sat on the stairs of the twins shop as they served the last few customers. You had gotten yourself a drink to keep you occupied while also finishing your book.

"Fred do you think I can go back to go and help mum fix up the house?" George asked. Since the house got burnt down and he weasleys had been building it back up and it was practically ready but needed a few final touches.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll lock up in a second. Tell mum I said hi and I'll come round soon." He replied as George took his coat.

"Okay, see you later Bardot." George winked and apparated away.

You stayed on the stairs as Fred locked the store up and cleaned some things away from the shelves and displays.

"Where are you staying tonight?" Fred asked you, assisting you up from the step.

"I was thinking we could go back to mine tonight." You replied holding his shoulders and slightly swaying with him.

"I can do that, I need to clean up a bit over there and then I'll go get some stuff." He leant down a bit and gave you a quick kiss- going off to another part of the store and tidying.

You sat down onto the counter and watched Fred at work, admiring his work ethic and muscles as he lifted and moved things.

"I'll go and get my things now darling, then we can go." Fred said going to walk past you.

"Or maybe you could just stay down here for a little bit." You responded, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him back to you.

He smirked and scoffed a little, "you are unbelievable."

"Thank you." You smiled and pulled his head down to yours and started a kiss, with your legs still around him.

His hands were rested onto the counter next to your thighs. You started getting much more hungry for more, tracing your hand down his torso towards his waist.

"Do you want to go upstairs darling?" Fred asked, breaking the kiss.

"I mean can't we stay here?" You asked, feeling somewhat risky.

"I'm not sure I'm quite feeling as risky as you tonight y/n." He took your hand and took you up the stairs to his room.

You laid him down onto his bed and crawled on over him, leaning down and starting the kiss again. He put his hands on your ass and lower back as you unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing.

You scooted your body back to the end of his bed and trailed your tongue up his bare torso while also undoing the belt to his trousers. Fred was now unzipping the back of your skirt.

"Do you want to do this darling?" He asked.

"Yes freddie, I want you to fuck me." You replied.

His eyes went from slightly soft to a devilish manner. He flipped you round and no longer let you have the dominance.

He pulled down the skirt he had unzipped and began lifting up your top top. You laid out practically naked in front of him, being in a true state of vulnerability- but you knew you both liked that.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now