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You took the train back to the station. You decided to sit alone, even though you had made up with Fred. You took your book and started making a list of things you are going to need for a house you've found on the outskirts of London. It made sense to you to buy yourself a house, now more than ever.

You knew your grandmother wanted you to find an escape, with the money she left, and doing this was the true way to do this. You were going to have so stay at the Leaky Cauldron for a while when making some reservations to your new purchase.

As time passed the train was coming to a halt. You left your compartment and walked towards the one the rest of your group was in.

"Hey guys." You said standing at the door.

"Hey y/n. Everything okay?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, everything's great. I just wanted to remind you all to owl me. Well-" you glanced to Charlotte, "most of you." You smiled and went back to the compartment you were in, grabbing all of your stuff.

As you stood on the platform, most people were already off, apparating off the platform and using the floo networks. You saw the Weasley family going through some of the networks, waving as Molly went through.


"Fred? Why aren't you there?" You turned to the networks.

"I said to mum that I wanted to talk to you. Alone."

"Well I need to do some things so when do you have to be back?" You asked walking towards a network.

"I can stay out for a few hours." He told you.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the leaky cauldron." You took some powder and left the platform.

You stood waiting for Fred to come through, and he did. You went to the desk and got a room.

"You want to wait down here or?" You asked as he stood.

"I'll come up with you." He said following you.

You walked down the hall and found your room.

"So why are you staying here?" Fred questioned you, showing pure curiosity.

"Well, I have to do something important. From recent events." You turned to stare at him, "I've decided it's best not to rely on others. I'm taking some independence."

"Well good for you I guess." Fred said slightly awkwardly.

You nodded and opened your door, putting all your stuff in the corner.

"So was there anything in particular you wanted to talk to me about Fred?" You asked.

"Well, yeah. I wanted to know where we stood and where we are going."

"Where we stand?" You reassured.

"Yeah, I know obviously we're talking again. But I don't know what we are."

"Well, I trust you know. We can't just be friends. I don't want to jump back into anything too quickly, and I doubt we can just pick up where we left off." You admitted to him.

"I understand, I still don't think I deserve your forgiveness." He said.

"I mean maybe not, but I know deep down I had to a some point." You explained, "now come on I have to get to gringotts."

You left the room and let Fred follow you. You were going to take advantage of his desperate state of reassurance and gain of trust to boss him around a small bit for your own entertainment.

"Have you ever been outside of the wizarding world Fred?" You questioned walking into gringotts.

"Not really, why?"

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now