"Please just go"

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You couldn't believe him. He was making boys run from you out of his pure jealousy, yet he's all touchy feely with Angelina.

I should have known. He was just using me, to make her jealous or something. What a prick.

You wanted to talk to someone, but you felt betrayed. Anyone that was to talk to you, would talk to him.

You heard a knock at your door, "alohamora" the door opened and Fred was standing in the door frame.

"Get out, go away." You said still confused on what was happening.

"Darling, what happened?" He had the cheek to ask.

"What happened? What happened was you. You scramble with my head, promise to be there for me, didn't reply to my letters and started getting cosy with angie. Now if you don't mind I have to unpack." You said walking towards the door, ready to close it.

"Not writing back to you? You barely wrote to me, I stopped replying once the letters stopped coming. I would have answered if you would have gotten off your high horse and actually replied to me." He answered back.

"Are you actually joking with me right now? I spent my days at my window waiting for an owl to knock, holding a letter signed off by you."

He looked down at his feet, unsure on how to reply. "Please just go Freddie, I should really get ready for dinner."

He turned and walked away.

Fred's POV
Maybe she wasn't lying, she wouldn't lie about that, but why didn't I get those letters?

I walked away from her almost heartbroken tone. Should I have walked away? As soon as I reached the bottom step, the rest of the group turned to me,

"Is she okay?" Lee asked.

"Yeah she sounded pretty upset." George added.

"Should I go speak to her?" Charlotte questioned.

"I don't know if she's okay and I think she might want to be alone." I answered to the questions.

"Fred I think you should know something, she was writing to Cedric when you didn't reply, y/n and Cedric seem pretty close." I tensed at his words, but I didn't want the group knowing I was feeling differently towards her, "she can write to who she wants."

So when I'm not available Cedric is her beck and call, brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

By no means am I saying I want to be in a relationship right now, but I don't want her getting all cosy with him- of all people.

I cringed at the thought of her opening up to him instead of me. The adrenaline of jealously overwhelmed my body.

Y/n's POV
It was time for you to head to dinner in the great hall, you weren't fond of the idea. What's next angelina feeding grapes to Fred. You couldn't blame her for fancying Fred, I mean it's a free world, but after the way he acts towards you, it would have been nice for some sort of communication.

You sat down in your usual spot, you didn't want to ruin the mood so you acted as though nothing was wrong, flicking through a book as you ate.

Don't kid yourself a relationship was definitely not on the table right now, but him being with Angelina made your skin crawl.

Returning to your common room you felt a pair of hands pull you into a classroom.

You turned and noticed, it was Cedric,

"Oh hey Diggory boy, what's up?"

"I may need your help. I like this girl and I don't know how to tell her. I know it sounds stupid but I need your advice."

You giggled at his slight vulnerability, "just use your words, you will get everything you need to know from communication. Who is it?"

"Can't say, duty calls!" Cedric said running out the classroom. You left a spilt second after, laughing at what had just happened.

You then turned to continue walking to the common room, when you saw Fred staring at you in disbelief. Ah god this looks bad. You knew you didn't have to explain yourself to him, but you wanted to. As he turned and began walking away, you sped up trying to catch him.

"Fred wait!" You shouted, getting closer.

He didn't stop, he instead sped up a bit more.

"Fred Weasley please stop, there is no chance in hell I'll catch you." He didn't stop however, he instead started climbing up the astronomy tower stairs.

You obviously followed, knowing that Fred definitely thought you and Cedric were doing something in the classroom.

As you got to the stop step, you saw him sitting on the edge, with his legs dangling over.

You slowly walked over to him sitting down, with your legs practically touching.

"Hey." You said breaking the silence.

"Cedric ey? Thought you weren't into him." He scoffed.

"Fred, I'm not into him we were just talking." You told him darting your face to his.

"But you were writing to him, a lot is what I heard."

"Only because I thought you didn't want to talk to me, I felt lonely I needed to write someone." You explained.

"Y/n I promise I didn't get any other letters, other than the ones I wrote back to." Fred said turning to face you as well.

"I believe you, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Fred's POV
She was rambling on about how she was tired and wasn't expecting to see Angelina on my lap and all that, but I wasn't really listening.

I studied her face, as she was trying to explain herself, she looked me in the eyes,

"Fred are you even listening?"

I hesitated, but the adrenaline took over my body.

Y/n's POV
He moved his lips to yours, as you began to kiss. You feel like you should have broken it but instead you deepened it. You shifted your body to face his, as his hands traveled to find your waist.

This was nothing like the kiss from your dare, this has meaning and passion. This might change some things.

But then you remembered him and Angelina, "wait Fred, what about Angelina?" You asked.

"What about her?" He replied.

"Well you seemed pretty tight with her."

"We are nothing like that darling, I promise." You believed him, but decided it would probably be best to just go back to the common room.

As you entered, with Fred, the group looked relieved to see that you and Fred had made up. Maybe your letters just got lost, or maybe someone took them. Who know? But it was all okay now.

I feel like this chapter is a little bit sloppy but we move. Please interact with this story it will really help me. And if you enjoy it, please recommend to others. I don't like self promo but here we are lols.

-i <3

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now