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"So what are you doing for Christmas?" Fred asked you, playing with your hair.

"I'm probably going to go back to my place at the start." You said.

"You are going back to Sirius' house, please say you are darling." He was almost pouting at you, and giving puppy dog eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that Freddie." You said squishing his cheeks with one hand and giving him a gentle kiss.

"Because I want you to."

"I am, dont worry about it. I thought we all agreed on me going anyway." You said with a confused expression.

"I just wanted to reassure."

"Why do you sound so suspicious?" You asked Fred.

"I don't sound suspicious, I just want to know I'm spending one of the best holidays with my girlfriend, and it's out first Christmas together." You almost acted offended, however you thought his words were sweet. You dashed him a smile and continued with your work.

You had been trying extra hard to get most of not all of your work done to allow you to enjoy the most of your holiday way from the castle and Umbridge.

You had heard that a lot less students were staying over the holidays at the castle than usual, and everyone knew that was down to Umbridge's new power over Hogwarts.

You felt yourself becoming quite drowsy while sitting downstairs with Fred.

"Darling why don't we go to bed." Fred asked you, moving your hair behind your ear, brushing his finger on your cheek.

"Okay, come on." You slowly stood up, rubbing your eyes and holding out your hands. 

Fred room your hands and pulled you down onto his lap and kissing your cheek and somewhat cradling you.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to go to bed?" You asked Fred.

"Yeah, but you're too irresistible." He said grinning to you.

"Stop being so soppy Weasley." You said, resting your hand on his jaw and kissing him gently.

"Fine, now we shall go." You stood with him following after. You went up the stairs holding Fred's hands. He separated from you, going to gather his sleeping clothes. You went into your room and got into a bralette and some shorts, feeling fairly warm from sitting in front of the fire for so long. You stood in front of your mirror looking at your outfit.

"Treating me are we darling?" Fred asked, coming up from behind you and wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your neck.

"Quite maybe so, have to remind you of why you're dating me." You held his arms that were around your waist and smiled looking at your reflections.

"You don't have to do anything to remind me." He smiled kissing your neck once more.

You moved from his grip and walked to your bed, holding Fred's hand guiding him with you.

You laid down and faced Fred, who was lying next to you. He took his hand and tucked a piece of hair from your hair behind your ear, looking into your eyes lustfully.

"Whatever are you staring at Freddie." You said, looking into his eyes.

"You." He stated.

You shuffled yourself closer to his body and gradually inched your face closer. You looked from his eyes, down to his lips and couldn't resist the urge.

You began making out, your tongues moved in rhythm with one another. He soon moved his body and held himself above you, you were slowly undoing his shirt buttons through the kiss. He hoisted your leg and held it against his waist.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now