First Time

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You stood up and let your dress fall to the ground. You felt slightly insecure. Fred's eyes widened as he reached out for waist,

"Y/n, you don't understand how hot you look."

"Why don't you show me instead." You moved closer to him. He stood and pinned you onto your bed. He undone the rest of his shirt and took it off, lowering his trousers.

Lol smut warning
"Have you got a condom?" He asked.

You rolled over to your bedside cabinet and pulled one out giving it to Fred. You had bought them when things started steaming up between the two of you.

"Well done darling."

You laid back down onto your bed, you looked up and saw Fred rolling the condom on, well that is slightly intimidating.

"This will hurt, you tell me when I can fasten, okay?"

"Yes Freddie."

"Good girl."

He moved your underwear to one side and dragged his member down your slit, teasing you. He then aligned himself to your core.

Your breath hitched as he entered, it was hurting as he slowly moved in, a pain that was somewhat enjoyable. He slowly began pumping himself in and out slowly, waiting for your direction.

After a little while of a slow pace you were ready,

"You can go a little faster now."

He followed your orders and fastened his pace slightly. You began moaning, as the pleasure filled your body. He was fastening his pace now on his own accord, watching your reaction.

You arched your back, covering your mouth as the pleasure completely drowned you.

Fred grabbed your hands and held them in place over your head,

"I want to hear you darling." He said in a deep voice.

He kept eye contact as he pumped himself faster in and out of your body. You were a moaning mess, and Fred was too. He was close.

"I'm close darling."

"S-s-same." You said, barely being able to say anything.

Fred moved one of his hands just under your neck, as you arched even more. Your legs began to tremble, you were completely out of breath. You moaned loudly, finishing, as Fred continuing to thrust. You were now completely submerged in pleasure, as your legs trembled even more.

Fred finished too, loosening the grip on your hands and moving his hand from your chest. He was breathing heavy, as sweat was covering his skin.

End of smut

You both were completely out of breath, staring at each other. You flopped your body completely looking at the ceiling.

"That was-"

"Great." You said.

"Absolutely, I told you we'd get through it. Was it okay for you?" He asked, sounding slightly embarrassed.

You tried to stand up to get your dressing gown, but your legs didn't want to cooperate.

"It was amazing freddie."

You didn't want to make any awkward tension between you two, so you tried to fill the silence by drinking water.

"You can, you know clean up in the bathroom if you want." You told Fred.

"Okay, thanks." He walked off, still shirtless. You bit your lip slightly watching him walk off.

Fuck. That did just happen. Did it hurt like shit? Yes. Was it worth it? Most definitely.

You weakly got under your duvet in your bed and laid down, hearing the ball still in full action. You did feel a little guilty ditching Adrian, but you knew you definitely could not go back now, after what just happened.

"By the way y/n, you looked beautiful tonight. At all moments." He winked and began going towards your door.

"I don't know if this sounds weird, but thank you. That was, very nice." You did feel slightly awkward, as you had really given your dignity up to him, but there was not another boy in the castle you would have rather lost your virginity to.

You soon fell asleep, slightly exhausted from the session you had had.

The next morning you sat up, feeling a slight pain on your upper thighs. As you stood your knees felt a little unstable, but it was quite easy to play off. But then it hit you.

"Merry Christmas all!" You said trying to look normal walking down the stairs.

"You okay y/n?" Lee said studying you walk.

"Perfect. I sprained my ankle in my heels last night." You explained, covering up the real reason.

"Can we open presents now?" Charlotte asked, bouncing in her seat.

"Let's wait for Fred and George first." Lee stated.

You waited a few more minutes until they both walked out the boys dorms with bed hair, and in their dressing gowns.

"Merry Christmas boys." You said, as they dragged themselves down the stairs.

"I can't wait any more, I'm opening them." She took the presents from her family and ripped them open, everyone else doing the same.

Per usual you decided not to get each other gifts, it's too much unnecessary hassle, and some people weren't too fond of it. You sat and watched everyone open their presents.

You hadn't any presents under the tree, it was no surprise. Even though you could now buy possibly anything you could imagine, it would be nice for a warm Christmas tradition.

"Y/n there's some things for you." Charlotte said holding a box and a present.

"Really? Are you sure?" You questioned reaching out to take the box.

"Unless any of us are called y/n Bardot I'm pretty sure it's for you." Charlotte sarcastically replied.

You inspected the box and slowly began to unwrap it, "a multi-use Polaroid camera. Takes moving and still photos, with unlimited film. This is cool. Does it say who's it from?" You asked.

"No, do you not know?" Fred said, inspecting the wrappings.

"I have no clue. Well that's weird." You put the box down and opened the other present.

You almost began crying as you saw what was in the wrapping paper. A jumper with your initial and a matching bobble hat to Fred and George's. You picked up the letter,

Dearest y/n,
Heard how much you love wearing my sons hats, so I made one just for you. I also hope the jumper fits, I wasn't quite sure so I had to wing it.

Hope you have an amazing Christmas dear.
Love you lots,
Molly x

"Is that one of our hats?" George asked.

"Yes, your mum made me a matching one." You almost began to cry again, it was a family connection you'd never really felt before, you didn't want to lose that.

You noticed as people continued to open presents, Fred was watching you. As you turned to face him he smirked and winked when no one was looking. You felt your face heat up as you replayed the night before in your head again. It wasn't anything crazy, since it was your first time, but it was definitely a big step, that looked as though Fred wanted to take again.

The rest of the day you spent playing games, reading and going down to the great hall for the Christmas feast. You sat with your group pulling your crackers and having a cheerful time before ending Christmas, by going to bed.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now