Attack at the Wedding

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It had been a couple of days since the whole moving Harry to the burrow. George was having way to much fun having bandages wrapped around his head and a lack of ear (he was pushing all sorts in there).

You had been resting to make sure your head was fine, and it now was. Luckily you were able to guide yourself down to avoid any major damage to yourself.

While staying with everyone at the burrow you were teaching them all new spells you had learnt, making sure people were prepared.

Regardless of the current situation of the wizarding world bill and Fleur were still going on with their wedding. You weren't too surprised about it- they were trying to bring light and joy to dark times.

You had gotten a cute formal dress for the occasion, keeping it light and summery. You didn't want to show anyone what dress you had because the excitement of showing off when it's on was a feeling like no other.

The dusk of the summer evening wasn't too far away. You were sat outside with a cold drink in hand watching the sun slowly lowering itself in the quiet grounds of the burrow.

That silence soon was torn as you heard two very rowdy twins coming from around the corner, laughing and trying to find other things to put in George's ear.

"You know you will just get an infection Georgie." You said, revealing your presence.

"There you are darling, we were looking for you." Fred said running over.

"I've been here." You smiled watching him sit down next to you.

"Bill and Fleurs big day tomorrow, I never thought they were actually this serious." He said back.

"Well love is love, they can't deny there's and they shouldn't have to." You exclaimed almost sarcastically. As much as you loved all the Weasleys they had been quite cold towards Fleur, it upset you since they were all so welcoming after finding out about you and Fred.

"Makes you wonder though." Fred began.

"Wonder what?" You asked.

"Makes him wonder when it will be you two." George teased, sitting the other side.

"Piss off george." Fred scoffed at his brother.

"I think it's nice though. To have such a celebration in a time like this, bringing people together again." You now let your head fall to rest on Fred's shoulder as you all enjoyed the sun set together.

"Are we still putting up the tent tomorrow?" George ruined the cute moment.

"Yeah, dad said we all have to help. Except you of course darling, just us Weasley men." Fred responded, flexing his bicep.

"What I can't help because I'm a woman or something?" You moved your head off his shoulder, "you know I'll beat you ass at anything right now." You stood up and was almost trying to challenge him.

"I'm don't mean it like that y/n, you know I don't."

"Mate I think she wants to duel you." George chuckled.

"She's not trying to-" Fred looked up to you, "are you trying to duel me?" He questioned standing up.

"Yeah, let's go. One v One, you and me." You took out your wand.

"You sure darling?" He frowned, towering over you- trying to take dominance of the situation.

"Your seductive ways won't work on me freddie boy." You smirked, moving away from Fred.

"No ear and a free duel show, what a score." George cheered still sitting down.

"I'm not going to duel you y/n, it wouldn't be-" Fred whipped out his wand, "Expelliarmus!" He shouted trying to hit you with the spell.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now