The Third Task

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You woke up early in morning to go for a walk with Cedric before the third task. You put on a summery dress, with high socks and simple trainers, putting your hair up and leaving your dorm to run to the hufflepuff common room.

You waited outside for him to come out and go for your walk. You had suggested it to him since he was getting quite nervous about the final task.

"Well Diggory there you are, come on we don't have all day." You said to him as he exited.

"I know I know, let's go." You linked arms with him and left the castle, going around the surrounding grounds.

"You look nice today. You going to wear that later?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet, all depends what it looks like later on." You replied.

You walked some more and went down to the lake, sitting in front of it.

"How is it?" You asked.

"How is what?"

"How is it being in the games? Like competing and all that."

"It's strange. I want to impress everyone. Prove everyone wrong and show them just what I can do. I regret it a small bit. I get so nervous on each one." He explained.

"You've impressed me every time, I knew you'd succeed and look at you. I know you have a great chance of winning this. Come on let's go back. Get something to eat." You stood up and held up your hands to pull him up.

"So you aren't wearing that dress?" He asked again standing.

"Not sure." You looked down at it.

Before you could think you saw Cedric lunging forwards to push you, you fell into the black lake. You let out a small yelp before hitting the water.

"Cedric! I will kill you!" You had been researching your deep force with Dumbledore and practised a new way to take control of it. You channeled it and we're able to force him forward into the water with you.

He practically screamed in confusion as you forced him forward. You laughed hysterically as he now swam drenched next to you.

"Y/n, how in the hell did you do that?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Do what Diggory, you fell in." You obliviously said. You laughed a little more and got out of the lake.

You were able to channel a little of it again and force Cedric back in as he was climbing out, "watch yourself." You said walking towards the castle. You took your shoes off and walked through the castle towards your common room.

"Y/n? Why are you all wet?" Lee asked as you walked past everyone in the common room.

"Cedric." You simply stated, laughing reflecting on the situation.

Fred was watching you as you walked through the common room towards the stairs.

Later on in the day you were to head towards the third task. You walked alone since you weren't sure who to sit with at the task. You were wearing a white skirt with a yellow oversized hoodie, with "CD" on one of your cheeks, to show your support to Cedric.

As you walked through the stands you saw Cho, she waved you over, "y/n please sit with me. All my friends are sitting with the boys from durmstang." She begged.

"Miss Chang, I have no problem with that." You claimed your place next to her, "so it's a maze?" You asked looking at the huge bush maze in front of you.

"Yeah, the cups hidden in it somewhere. They have to find it." She explained.

You nodded and waited for Dumbledore to introduce the task. You watched as your old group all walked in together, following Fred's gaze as he walked past.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now