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You were noww fully dressed and ready for the Hogsmeade trip. You went down to the common room and went for breakfast in the great hall.

Neither Lee nor George were down yet, leaving you with Fred alone.

"I think we should do that more often you know. Showering together." Fred took a sip of his juice.

"Of course you do." You rolled your eyes a small bit, smiling while eating your toast.

"I thought it was nice. An innermost moment if you will darling."

"Fred, can I ask you something?" You asked looking down a bit.


"When do we have to stop hiding?" Sometimes the secrecy and sneaking was fun, exciting, but other times you felt as though he wasn't comfortable with people knowing your situation.

"Whenever you want, I'm taking it at your pace. You tell me when you're ready." He stated.

You nodded and smiled eating your breakfast. You spoke to Fred for a short while until George walked into the hall with Lee, laughing as they walked into the hall taking seats next to you both.

"So, Hogsmeade. Anyone have anything in mind that they want?" You asked.

"Well I mean, silly question that y/n. We always want to go to the same places." George replied.

"I mean, you aren't wrong. Do you not feel bad that you two are kind of trying to over take Zonko, he kind of was your inspiration." You admitted.

"I mean in a way yes, but we sell very different stuff. They sell more traditional prank stuff." Fred told you finishing his food.

You had to hang back for a short while before you waited collectively at the exit to the castle. You all gave your permission slips to mcgonagall, leaving the castle. You were all wrapped up warm as it was snowing outside.

You had a hat on but put your hood up for more thermal heating on your head. Fred forced you to wear his scarf to make sure you didn't get ill.

"Fred take it back, it's your scarf." You said to him walking up to the village.

"No, I like it on you better anyway." Fred said, adjusting the scarf.

"Lower the PDA people. You can wait until we part ways." George told you, looking back and smiling at the two of you.

"We need to go to hogs head first don't forget." You said to all the boys.

"Do you think that will take long?" Fred questioned.

"Does it matter, we're supporting Hermione and Harry." You elbowed him.

He held his hands up in surrender as you continued your walk into the village. As you found and entered hogsheads you noticed their was only three chairs left, George and Lee looked back to you and Fred and bolted for the chairs. Fred done the same. You now stood with no where to sit. You walked over to the twins and stood next to Fred.

"You don't have to stand." He patted his lap, signalling you to sit on. You decided to obey. Fred rested his hands around your waist. You took hold of his hands fidgeting with his ring again, waiting for Harry, Hermione and Ron to arrive.

Everyone was fairly quiet as they waited. Soon Hermione walked in with Ron and Harry following.

"Uh, hi." Hermione said, "so you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts."


"Why?! Because you know who's back you tosspot." Ron spat. You tried to contained a slight laugher.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now