No Returns

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"Happy 18th Freddie." You said waking Fred up.

"It's Monday, and my birthday let me rest." Fred said pulling a pillow over his face.

"No, we can't just let you rest. We have to go find Georgie, come on." You were holding his hands and trying to pull him out your bed.

"Y/n please, I am a man now." He said.

"Stop being difficult, come on." He obeyed and allowed him to pull you out of your bed. You dragged him all the way to his own room, where George was.

"Happy birthday Georgie!" You said sitting on his bed and fully waking him up.

"Thanks Bardot." He said smiling and sitting up.

"Fred, say happy birthday to your brother." You ordered.

"Happy birthday to my doppelgänger." Fred sarcastically said.

"There's presents and stuff downstairs for you both." You informed them, getting off George's bed and going back over to Fred. He wrapped his arm round your shoulder as you side hugged him- waiting for George to get out of bed and follow you to the main common room area.

As you got to the bottom of the stairs you ran in front of them and showed them the gathered presents and balloons you had set up.

"Here's some things from your family and that stuffs from me and that's from friends." You pointed at the presents set out for them. "Where's Lee? Wouldn't he like you seeing you open his presents?" You asked.

"I think he said he's with Rosie again, I don't know though." Fred said.

"Oh okay. Anyway come on! Open the presents!" You exclaimed.

You had gotten them a few bits and pieces that they wanted and needed, "it's not that much however, I have your actual present to show you when we can sneak out and apparate somewhere."

"Y/n, whatever you get is more than enough. Thank you." George smiled.

"Thank you darling." Fred kissed the side of your head and finished opening the other gifts they had.

After finishing opening their gifts and cards you separated from George again and got ready for the school day.

"So, can we sneak out later do you think, I don't think I cant wait to show you both what I got." You said almost jumping with excitement.

"We can do darling, straight after last lesson maybe?" He said.

"Can't wait!" You let go of his hands and got into the bathroom hopping into the shower before school.

Soon after you got out, Fred jumped in quickly washing his whole body and hair. You were brushing your teeth at the sink as Fred towered behind you and grabbing his toothbrush. You were looking and smiling at him through the mirror as you both brushed your teeth wrapped in your towels.

"This would make such a cute photo." You informed him, running out of the bathroom and grabbing your Polaroid.

You stood yourself back in front of Fred and snapped a photo of you both in the slightly steamed mirror.

He took the film straight out and waited for the photo to develop, taking it out with him after he finished brushing his teeth.

"Boys boys boys!" You repeated to Fred and George.

"Y/n y/n y/n!" George mocked.

"It's the end of lessons, you know what that means! We have to sneak out of Hogwarts so I can apparate you both somewhere." You said linking with both their arms and walking towards the common room to change.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now