The DA

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After being kicked off of the quidditch team it was still in Harry's best interest to keep the DA up and running. Angelina had replaced Harry with Ginny, who was surprisingly great at the game.

You lined on alternate sides of the room. You heard the twins making a bet on Ron, as he was going to attempt stunning Hermione.

You watched as ron looked overly confident in himself. He raised his wand and was going to try and stun Hermione.

"Stupidly!" Hermione was quicker.

Ron went flying back. You giggled as the twins exchanged their money.

"Why do you make bets on everything?" You asked.

"I like a competition." Fred shrugged. Ron came strutting over.

"I let her do that. It's good manners." You tried not to laugh, he was clearly quite embarrassed, Hermione on the other hand was taking in her success.

"It was completely, intentional."

"Don't think I'm letting you get away with that y/n." Fred warmed.

"As if." It was now yours and Fred's turn to practice the spell in front of the class. You stood either side of the room.

"Stupify." Fred said waving his wand.

"Protego." You blocked his spell, "stupify!" Fred went flying into the air and hitting the floor. You could hear him groaning in pain. You walked over and stood over him, "don't underestimate me Freddie. Surely you know that by know." You pouted. You held out your hand and assisted him off the floor.

You could see George was laughing, holding his hand up for you to high five. 

"That was really good y/n, great use of the shielding charm." Harry congratulated.

You watched over the rest of the lesson, as everyone else practiced the spell. You had used the spell on your father once before, knocking him out while at the quidditch World Cup- so you were no stranger. 

The lesson had finished so you all snuck out of the room of requirement in desperate hope Filch didn't see you.

You were walking around the castle and saw yet another sign being put up, "all students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities" Umbridge was aware of the club clearly, yet couldn't prove anything.

You were all made to sit outside her office, you weren't allowed to be with Fred or George. They were further down the line to you.

"Up you come." She said in her high pitched voice.

Hi obeyed and climbed the stairs, looking at Fred for comfort before entering.

She sat you down, "would you like a cup of tea?" She asked pouring some into a cup. You studied it and noticed it looked a little different than tea should look, "no it's okay, I don't drink tea."

"Are you sure?" She moved the tea closer.

"Positive." You pushed it back.

"So, tell me miss Bardot do you know anything of any type of student run organisation?"

"No." You stated.

"I'm sure you remember the punishment for lying, and I don't suppose you want to go down that route." She smiled at you.

"I do not."

"So there is no information at all that you know. Not even a tiny bit you can tell me?"

"No miss."

She seemed frustrated, "fine. That's all you may leave." She stood up and ushered you out, calling up the next student. You were slowly walking out waiting for her to close her door. As she didn't you turned and walked to the twins.

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