The Big Event

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Christmas, a day usually filled with chirpy family events and love with presents was now a day you dreaded more than any other.

It was Christmas Day, how is it Christmas Day? You hadn't escaped yet which made you question if you were going to at all. You knew you had to try more everyday, you were not going to be sold off like a piece of meat to the first eligible man who would take you.

A guard came in early to your room. You were barely awake but that didn't stop him from taking you through the whole house. Your eyes stung, and your mouth was dry- but you were going somewhere. He was talking you up the stairs. You could see all the house elves busy at work still cleaning the house until it was spotless.

"There, you have your room back." He chucked you in and locked up the door. You stood up and looked around your room. It had been cleaned a little, it looked much more neat and tidy. Your drawers stayed untouched nothing was put in or taken out.

You saw that the dress your father had been designing for you was standing on a mannequin torso. It was beautiful and expensive, you could tell, but you didn't want it. Wearing it meant it was the ball and you didn't want to go to that at all.

You hadn't been told anything about the ball other than it was on Christmas and it was to sell you off so you didn't know when it was that you had to begin getting ready. You assumed it was in the evening, that's when they usually were, and ran up until midnight so you had plenty of time to just try and relax and think of potential ways you could escape before any man tries to take you.

You laid down on your bed and managed to get a couple more hours rest. Your dreams had become disturbed over recent time, you assumed it must have been from the abuse and trauma you were having to deal with, but there was no way of changing your dreams.

I always wonder how you are lover boy.

Fred's POV
I miss you darling, more and more everyday. There was no way of me knowing exactly where she was or how I could get to her, I didn't even know at this point if she was still alive. I had to prepare myself for the worse at these rates.

She had been missing for months, the posters had started being taken down from around the wizarding streets and muggle streets near her house.

I managed to get into her house not so long ago to double check she was not there. From that visit it was made clear to me that she hadn't just run away. She had fully stacked up cupboards and the fridge and all of her clothes were still there, there was absolutely no chance she had gone home that night or after.

Even though it was Christmas I was planning on distancing myself as much as possible from anyone. Mum was clearly getting very anxious as the days went on, she was starting to get easily frustrated at everyone because she knew someone she cared for was gone.

Everyone in my house was worried, more than that I'd say. George would spend his time with me looking around trying to find any trace of her. Ginny and Ron said they were making word and hearing around the school about her disappearance and dad was using his links with the ministry to try and track her somehow. But nothing.

I had a Christmas present sat on my bedside table for her a new cloak- one that was yellow and dark green satin. It laid wrapped up in brown parchment and lavender ribbon waiting for her to come back. At this point I wasn't even sure she was, most people had lost hope around here but I really didn't want to but sometimes it felt like I had no choice.

I didn't even have to see her, I just wanted something, anything to confirm she was okay. I still tried with the letters, nothing. The owl came straight back, it couldn't find her either.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now