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It was the day before Charlottes party, you decided that you and George should sneak to Hogsmeade today to get some snack and stuff after you finished your lessons, skipping study hall.

You were currently in potions waiting for it to finish. It was your last lesson so you were ready to dash back to the common room.

"Okay George, you know the plan, we skip study hall, which we can get away with. I'll say I was tutoring you for potions in the library. Then we have to change, because yeah. Go through a passage and get what we can as quick as possible. Getting back to the castle for dinner. Comprende?" You said.

"Yes, I understand. We will do this y/n." You both high-fived and continued working. As the lesson came to an end you were ready to run to the common room.

"Before you all leave." Snape started, "you will be making a very powerful love potion, amortentia, in the upcoming month. Now listen carefully I want you all to write essays, detailed ones," he peered at Fred and George, "on my desk by next week about the potion and all its effects. You are dismissed." You packed up all your school supplies.

George barged past everyone leaving and grabbed your wrist, pulling you through the castle.

"Mr Weasley! Stop pulling Miss Bardot please." Mcgonagall warned.

He didn't stop however, and continued to pull you through the castle. He opened the portrait door and pushed you up the stairs, "be back here in 5 minutes, we have a lot to cover." George said, dashing to the boys dorm.

You went into your room and put on a pair of jeans with a white jumper, with a normal pair of white shoes. You took some galleons from your trunk and sorted your hair a little before going back to meet George.

"We ready?" You asked starting to quickly go down the stairs.

"Yes I have everything I think." He replied.

"Do you have the list?" You questioned.

"No, stay here I'll be back so soon." He darted off again.

You turned as you heard the portrait door opening. Fred walked in and put his bag down onto a chair.

"You not going to study hall?"

"No, I don't fancy it." Fred responded.

"You better decorate well tomorrow weasley. You know what Charlottes like." You warned.

"Then you better behave darling, don't want you dancing around with other boys." He whispered into your ear. He moved over and kissed you on the lips holding your waist. You heard the dorm open, you quickly moved and took a step back.

"Got it!" George shouted running out his dorm. "Fred? What you doing here?"

"Oh nothing, don't want to go study hall alone, Lee is tutoring someone so it would be even more boring."

"Oh alright, well y/n and I must go." He took your arm again and dragged you out.

"Bye Freddie!" You shouted.

You opened the door and looked out, to see if any teachers were close.

"Coast is clear Georgie, let's go." You walked out and paced towards the statue of Gunhilda of Gorsemoor. You checked round every corner and successfully entered the passageway.

"Lumos." You muttered, lighting up your wand. "So how much do we have to get?"

"Well the majority of it is from honey dukes, the house elves said they would provide actual food in return for some sweets, so it's not too much." George handed you the list.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now