The Haunting

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Your life was finally getting back into the swing of things, in a way. You were reliving your trauma almost every day at any given moment that you weren't distracted. You flinched at anyone's touch.

Things weren't awkward as such between you and Fred, yet some things deemed difficult. Every time you and Fred got close to getting intimate you would shelter yourself away and break down. It was something you couldn't help but it also wasn't something you could get over that easily.

Fred hadn't let you go home properly yet, he wanted you to stay at the shop with him every night to keep you safe and feel secure. 

It was all fine but you needed to get out, see the world like you were seeing it for the very first time.

"Fred, can you take your lunch break now?" You asked, walking down the stairs.

"I can, why?" He asked in return.

"I want to go out, just us two." You smiled.

"You do? Okay, I'll get my coat." He replied.

You walked back up the stairs and put your coat on over your jumper, since the winter was still very much present.

You looked in the mirror before you left and took a deep breath, I can do this.

You slowly made your way back down the stairs to Fred, who was waiting by the door. As you reached him he wrapped a knitted scarf around your neck.

"Is this necessary?" You questioned.

"I'm not having you ill, now where do you want to go?" He asked you, opening the door and leading you both outside.

"I think we should take a walk around the alley." You suggested.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He seemed a little concerned.

"Yeah, I've been avoiding it but maybe it will help me somewhat get over it." You said, taking ahold of Fred's hand and arm.

"Okay then, is there anywhere you want to go after?" He began strolling with you across the cobble street.

"Maybe we could apparate to Hogsmeade and get some snacks from Honeydukes. And then if we're feeling extra fun we could go and stay at mine and watch a dvd." You suggested, almost jumping with excitement.

"Okay, sounds like a plan." He was chuckling at your joy, it was a nice change to see you with such a gleaming smile on your face.

The streets were still so empty, shops were closed and had moved to other places in the wizarding world and there was still no sign of Olivanders return. You thought maybe he hadn't been so lucky as you and was taken for information and dumped afterwards, but anyone could come back.

The Hogwarts students were back at school now, but they had kept both twins occupied for a few days coming to the store to spend their Christmas money.

"Freddie." You said, preparing to ask a question.

"Yes darling?" He replied.

You stopped in your tracks to ask, "do you care that I'm not as strong as before?" You felt somewhat ashamed that you were so frightened and startled by near enough anything.

"What? Are you joking?" He studied your face and soon realised you weren't, "y/n I love you more than I love myself. It pained me in a way I don't think is possible for me to tell you. You are stronger than you are priding yourself. You're a survivor and I don't think any of us could have gone through that and still be as bright as you. I can't begin to imagine how you feel and if I could take even half of the pain you are in I would." He said holding your face to show his sincerity.

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