The Plan

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The castle was now more miserable then ever before. After Umbridge found out about the DA, Dumbledore was supposed to be sent to Azkaban but he didn't. Regardless Umbridge was now the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

You were being sent to the great hall for your punishment.

"The ministry is clearly scared." You said waiting out for your punishment.

"They know he's back, they just don't want to believe it." Lee added.

"Should we get going? I know none of us want to go but we shouldn't be late." Fred said standing up.

You looked up and took Fred's hand that he was holding out for you. You took it and followed him out with George and Lee besides you. As you walked through the hallways you got a few smug looks from some Slytherins.

You got to the great hall and walked in with some of the other DA members. Umbridge was sitting on her chair assigning everyone to their seats. Fred sat behind George and you sat behind Lee, next to Fred.

After everyone was there the doors closed.

"Okay everyone, thank you for coming. Now you all know that you lied to me, and you broke the rules- therefore you know that you all deserve to be punished." She started.

What in the manipulative bullshit is this?

"Now I want you to take your quill on your desk and write 'I must not break the rules' as many times as you can in the assigned time." She smugly smiled and made you all begin writing.

You looked over to Fred before starting, he was giving you a reassuring smile, "it will be over soon." He whispered across the row.

"Ah ah ah, no communication please." She glared over at you and Fred.

You turned back to the front and picked up the quill. You looked down to the paper and began writing. You almost instantly felt the cutting sensation on your hand. You tried to keep it still as the words etched into your hand.

You constantly flicked your eyes over to Fred to comfort you and make sure he was also okay. You instantly felt like you needed to protect everyone. You could feel yourself getting quite angry and upset, meaning it was becoming harder to control your force on her.

It seemed ideal for you to lash out on her but it wouldn't make sense for your image or credibility. You decided to stay quiet and continue with the detention.

Around the room everyone was squirming and flinching as their hands were cutting open.

You could feel your eyes slightly tearing again thinking back to your father. When anyone purposefully hurt you, it reminded you of him and the pain he had put you through over the years.

The time finished, "very well, you best all be off. I suspect I shall have this in place again so you are reminded to not break the rules." She giggled and let you all leave.

You stood from your desk, eyes wide and shaking slightly. You weren't staying in focus much, until you felt someone taking hold of your shoulder. Fred. You let him guide you out of the hall. He kept held of your shoulders as you left the hall, as you left you glanced over at Cho- she looked extremely guilty.

Fred shoved past most people in your way, gently leading you back to the common room. You were now holding your hand to attempt to stop the stinging sensation.

"You'll be okay darling." He said taking you up to your dorm.

He opened your door and held your lower back, gently pushing you in. You walked over and sat on your bed. You took your robe off and undone your tie.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now