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The second task wasn't too long away now, the whole castle was once again filled with complete anticipation. You had spoken to Cedric and he said he didn't want to tell you what he had figured out, as he wanted it to be a surprise.

You said the password to the common room and entered, you began walking through when you felt a pair of hands grab you and pull you closer towards a wall.

"Fred what are you doing?" You giggled as he held your lower back, pulling your body exceptionally closer to his.

"How was your day darling?" He asked in a very low tone.

"It was fine, how was yours?" You relied, a questioning tone filling your whole sentence.


You stayed silent for a little bit, putting your arms on to his shoulders as he kept hold of your lower back, soon he pushed you up against a wall slowly, moving in.

Soon enough you were slowly making out, he had one hand on the top of your chin lifting it up and the other on the wall next to you.

"Wanna sneak up to my room?" You asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe."

The common room wasn't empty so getting you both into your dorm was going to be harder than it had been before.

"Fred I say you go first, you need to unlock my door but that's easy and I'll be up soon enough, okay?" You whispered lifting you arms off Fred shoulders.

Before he left he moved down again, kissing you once more. You stood near the portrait door for a few minutes before opening it and closing it, to make it seem like you were only just entering.

You walked into the main common room area. "Hey guys." You said seeing your friends.

"Oh hey y/n. How's Cedric?" Lee asked.

"He's great, I need to go do a charms essay though, so don't think I'm being rude- also might go for my shower." You stated.

"Oh okay, have fun I guess." Charlotte replied, winking once everyone else turned.

You walked towards the stairs and began going up, followed by going through the girls dorms to reach yours. You opened the door and Fred was sitting on your bed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." You flicked your wand to your door making it close and lock, while looking at Fred and walking over.

"That was quite hot, I'm not going to lie to you."

You lowered your bag onto the floor and reached Fred, "now where were we?" You stood in between his legs, cupping his face slightly to kiss. You began to make out a little more intensely as Fred began running his hands up your legs and under your skirt.

You broke the kiss and pulled your jumper off, looking at him to do the same. You went back to kissing for a while, Fred moving his hands to in between your thighs.

Soon after you both took off your shirts, leaving you in just your skirt and socks and shoes, to which you kicked off.

"I want to try something Freddie. Can I?" You asked.

"What is it darling?"

"I want to pleasure you." You traced your finger down his torso, staring seductively into his eyes, "so can I?"

"Of course you can."

You acted confident as if you were 100% certain on what you were doing, you just remembered the steps and details Charlotte had given you.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now