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It had been a few days since Cedric had passed. Spirits were still low and classes had been cancelled for a few more days while his death was being investigated.

You were sitting with Fred at the astronomy tower.

"How are you now?" He asked, looking towards you.

"I mean, I still can't stop crying thinking about him you know. I miss him more and more everyday." You almost began crying again.

"It's productive to talk about it though, it helps you grieve. Gives you closure."

"I suppose."

"So now many not be the right time. But what happens with us?" Fred asked.

"How do you mean?" You replied.

"Well, what do you want us to be now we've made up I guess."

"I want to take it slow, I'm sure you can reason with that." You stated.

"Yeah, I understand. What you doing for summer then? You can't go back home. So are you staying with us?" Fred questioned.

"I mean, maybe at some point during summer. But I have to do something important before any of that." You told him.

"Care to elaborate?"

"No can do, you may find out in the future but for now my lips are sealed." You said standing up, "I have to go find Adrian now, I'll see you later."

"Okay, have fun." Fred replied.

You walked down the stairs and towards the courtyard. You waited outside for a couple of minutes until Adrian came out. He walked over to you and hugged you, tightly. You hadn't spoken to him since before the tournament, you had been in your dorm the majority of the time mourning.

"How are you." He asked still hugging you.

"I'm okay, I still miss him. The wound is still raw but I'm getting through it." You replied.

He broke the hug.

"I've heard you and that Fred are becoming a thing again." He seemed a little off.

"I mean, things are going slow but Cedric told me to hear him out. So I did. I don't want to rush into things but I need him right now." You explained.

"As long as you're happy, but if he hurts you again-"

"You will smash his face in. I know Adrian. I think he's learnt from his lesson, well I hope so anyway." Doubt started to fill your tone. Would he do it again?

You caught up with Adrian, trying to avoid conversation about Cedric. It was nice to have a normal conversation with someone- without the constant sympathetic looks and whispers. This conversation went on for a while, until you had to go inside as you were feeling slightly cold.

Walking into the common room you heard laughs, specifically lees and the twins. You walked further in to see what they were up to. They were all just sitting and chatting. As they looked to you they all smiled. You walked over and sat.

"What we talking about?" You asked.

"Our best pranks." George said, laughing a little.

"How very mature."

"Don't forget y/n Bardot, you're not all that innocent." Fred told you, referring to you being lookout and sneaking to get supplies for them.

"So I don't want to make things awkward but you've made up?" Lee questioned looking between you and Fred.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now