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You were laying on the grass, looking to the sky, when something blocked the sun. It was Fred.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked.

"Of course, where we going?" You replied.

"You'll see."

Fred grabbed your hands and helped you up, your knuckles are wrists were practically healed at this point, another step for moving on.

You walked off until the burrow couldn't be seen anymore, then some more.

"Fred? Are you going to kill me or something?" You asked, curiosity getting the better of you.

"Y/n darling, of course I am." You both laughed a little before seeing a field in front of you, a lavender field.

"Fred, how did you find this?" You asked, excitement drowning your tone.

"Was just on a walk and found it, thought you would like to see it."

You instantly began to go down the hill, so you could be in the field. The sweet smell of lavender muted any other senses. It was beautiful.

You spent some time walking and talking with Fred, through almost every row of lavender. Until it was time to go.

"Here." Fred did a small spell on one of the lavender stems, it flew up and tucked itself behind your ear.

You explored the field for most of the day. Sitting down at some points- to gather your energy again.

"Come on, it's starting to get dark." You said to Fred, beginning to walk to the burrow.

You walked fairly quickly until you saw the burrow, when you got closer,

"Race you." You said, before bolting off.

You sometimes liked to run, either for fun or to escape.

You barged through the door, as Molly rolled her eyes and laughed ever so slightly.

The rest of the summer you tried to relax, you would often sit outside, soaking up the sun. But one day you were doing just that, as a bucket of cold water fell over your head.

"Fred! George! I will kill you. I know the spell." You said with annoyance.

You turned and saw them looking slightly terrified. You then looked down and realised you were wearing a white T-shirt, which was now practically see through. Ah what gives, you only live once.

You decided to find a different spot and lay back down, instead of giving in and throwing a fit.

Fred's POV
Jesus, I looked ahead of me, after throwing the water over y/n. He was wearing white. Of course she was wearing white when we drop water on her.

Her top was see through, I found it almost hard to contain myself from pouncing on her- she was too hot. I elbowed George when I noticed he was slightly gawking at her.

She walked off, she didn't change, she just found a different spot.  She knows what she's doing let me tell you that.

Y/n's POV
I went into Diagon alley, and a small village I found, muggle shops of course. I wanted to explore new places, and treat myself to some new things. Nothing flashy, but things that made me feel much more myself.

While in the muggle village, you did come across a lingerie shop. Being 16 coming on 17, you saw no harm in treating yourself in that aspect.

You had exchanged a fair bit of money in gringotts so you could go exploring these muggle shops.

"Hello, lovely I haven't seen your face before." A kind looking woman said from the counter.

"Yes, I live out of town. Just exploring." You said smiling at her.

"Well let me know if you need any help."

You scanned the shelves and displays, putting multiple matching sets in your basket. You had put a few more temping sets in your basket as well, as you were sure you'd need them at some point.

You then saw one more set on display, you knew you had to get. It was beautiful, and delicate, and best part was, it matched your dress that you had bought.

You still didn't know why you needed a dress, but you wanted to make the most out of whatever occasion it was.

You took all your items to the till and paid, you then left and made your way back to diagon alley, before using the floo network to get to the burrow.

"Well someone's been shopping." Fred said sitting on the sofa, in front of the fireplace.

"Just a bit." You laughed, holding your bags up.

"Can you help me take some upstairs? Also where is everyone?" You asked.

"They're all outside, degnoming the garden, I got out of it after one of the sods bit me." He then stood up and took some of the bags you were holding out of your hands.

You walked up, with Fred close behind. You put your bags down and he did the same.

After looking out the window and seeing everyone outside, you closed the door. You put your arms over Fred's shoulders, and began to move in.

He kissed you back instantly, deepening it, as he closed the door. He picked you up, holding you up against the wall. His lips moved to your neck, where he pushed down your collar and begun to suck.

You moaned ever so slightly at the sensation, when it was quickly ruined by the sound of George running up the stairs. Fred put you down and sat on his bed, you pulling the collar back over your neck and sitting on George's bed.

George then opened the door and walked into the room.

"Why was the door closed." He asked.

"We are hiding." You said.


"Yes, we don't wanna help degnome so we're hiding out in here. And talking about the World Cup."

The World Cup was only a few days away now, you were so excited.

After talking with the twins for a bit you excused yourself, and went to the bathroom. You pulled down your collar and hoped it wouldn't be there, but it was. A hickey. Fred had given you a hickey. How could i possibly explain this. Yes thank you for letting me stay here while your son bruised up my neck. Oh shit.

You decided to just do your very best to hide it all all costs, which was actually proving itself easier than you had thought.

lols I didn't quite know where to end this but this is what I chose. Hope you're enjoying!

-i <3

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now