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The Christmas break was about to end, it was  now New Year's Eve. Charlotte wanted to throw a party for it, but the Slytherin house were hosting one instead.

"Please can we go? We aren't going because they're slytherin, we're going because we want to have fun." You pleaded.

"Just because you want to see Pucey." Fred scoffed.

"What's the problem if she does?" George curiously asked.

"Look, I kind of want to go too, it's New Years, let's have some fun." Angelina added, standing next to you.

She had been warming up to you after the ball, you were starting to go back to normal.

"I mean I'm with those two." Lee said, "I think we deserve to go to a New Years party."

"I wanted to throw it. Everyone knows that my parties are better than theirs." Charlotte said in annoyance.

"I'm going." You told them.

"I'm with y/n, I'm going to go. You can all stay here." Angelina replied, walking towards the stairs up to the dorms.

You soon followed up, going to get ready for the party. You went into your dorm and took a shower, preparing yourself.

After coming out the shower you dried your hair and charmed it into the style you desired for the party, you put slightly more makeup on since Slytherin parties were known for being less formal in a way, where everyone dressed slightly more slutty.

You went to your wardrobe and picked out a dress for the evening party. You flicked through and decided to wear a Satin, lavender dress on, with an oversized black jean jacket over the top, you found some black boots to match, and left your dorm.

As you walked down you saw Lee, George and Angelina waiting by the exit.

"George is coming?" You asked, almost skipping to the door.

"Looks like it. I'll have more fun there, plus I'm feeling like having some fun for a change."

"Well let's not waste any time, the party stated an hour ago." You said walking to the door.

You walked around the castle, going down towards the dungeons. It seemed as though quite a few different people from different houses were arriving at the same time as the four of you, including Cedric.

"Diggory? Didn't think a Slytherin party would be your sort of environment." You said to him, walking closer to him.

"Well, there you go. What's bringing you here?" Cedric asked.

"I'm a sucker for a good party in this place. And I want to celebrate the new year correctly."

You walked up to the dungeon door and walked into their common room. The lights were dim and the music was loud. Everyone looked so at ease and free, ready to celebrate the new year.

You walked with George over to the drinks table. You took two black cups each and filled them with fire whiskey and cola, taking them back to your friends. You stated to dance with Lee, holding your cup, with your arms high.

"Y/n? You came?" Adrian asked standing in front of you.

"Yes of course, this party's fun." You shouted, trying to overpower the music.

"Good, have fun and tell me if you need anything." He began to turn, "you look nice by the way."

"He's literally in love with you. I can see it." Angelina told you, slurring her voice- clearly already slightly drunk.

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