Conflict in the Common Room

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The sorting ceremony took ages per usual. You looked down the table and saw that Charlotte was with Angelina, they were now hanging around with Katie Bells group.

You were able to begin eating before Dumbledores introduction to the school year. You felt quite upset looking around knowing it was the last time you were going to experience this day.

"Good evening children." Dumbledore said, "now we have two changes in staffing this year." You looked over to the teacher tables and a woman covered in pink clothes stuck out to you, "we're pleased to welcome back professor Grubbly-Plank who will be taking care of magical creatures while professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, professor Delores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now as usual our caretaker Mr Filch has asked me to remind you-" Umbridge interrupted with a high pitched cough. Everyone fell silent and looked between themselves then towards the woman flooded in pink.

She slowly stood and walked up to where Dumbledore was standing, "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely." Both the twins said. You laughed under your breath as you saw her staring over at your group.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizard of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prohibit practices that ought to be prohibited." She done that annoying giggle again, when everyone started to awkwardly clap. She went back to her seat.

"Thank you Professor Umbridge, that really was most illuminating." Dumbledore exclaimed.

"Illuminating." You scoffed, "I have a bad feeling about this woman." You rolled your eyes and took a fork full of your pudding again.

You finished your food and were sent off to the common room. You took off your robe and chucked it onto the back of the sofa. You went over to the table and picked up one of the daily prophets. Everyone was reading them and talking about Harry.

"I can't get over this bullshit." You said walking back towards the twins.

"What is it?" George asked taking the paper from your hands. You sat on the back of the sofa with Fred.

"Your skirts a little short darling." Fred whispered, he was raising one of his eyebrows and looking at you.

"I thought that, but, you know." You looked to him and smiled.

You knew he was becoming a little more possessive and needing of you again, but you wanted to act unknowing of it.

"Here you can have it back now." George said holding out the paper. You jumped off and took it from him, taking it back to the table.

"Hey, you're y/n right?" One of the gryffindor boys in your year asked. You knew him from his reputation of being a player using girls for sex and nothing else.

"Yeah." You turned to start walking back to the sofa. You looked over and saw Fred had one foot on the floor and the other dangling, looking to you confused.

"Wait." The boy said. You turned back around. He looked up and down, slightly biting his lip, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to meet up outside the castle at some point."

"No im okay thanks." You turned back around and started to walk away. He grabbed the top of your arm and turned you around.

"I like your skirt." He whispered to you.

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