High Inquisitor

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After Umbridge'a new recruitment as 'high inquisitor' she had been ruining the whole school experience. You were outside, standing with the crowd as Fred and George were throwing around some fireworks. The firework was thrown into the air, but she fizzled it out before it could be caught.

She walked off with a smug smile plastered onto her face.

"Weasley's. Permission to kill or seriously injure." You said watching her walk off.

"Permission granted." Fred replied, huffing.

The twins packed up their stuff and walked back into the castle. We walked past Filch hanging up more signs, ignoring them for the time being. As you walked through the halls umbridge started walking closer.

"Ah ah ah, eight feet please." She said, using her wand to separate you from the twins. You decided to use your little power and push her forwards, you heard her trip- you tried exceptionally hard to hold in your laugh.

As you entered the common room you fell onto the sofa.

"I genuinely cannot stand that woman." You stated.

"At least you made her fall over." George chuckled.

"I did nothing of the sort, she fell over by herself." You said, winking.

"Who fell over?" Lee asked, sitting on the chair.

"Umbridge, y/n had absolutely nothing to do with it." Fred exclaimed.

"I really dislike that woman. I think she's trying to take Dumbledore's place you know. Trying to be headmaster." Lee said.

"Wouldn't be surprised if she got it. She's so far up the ministers backside." You were clearly getting quite frustrated at even the thought of her.

"Well we will all be out here soon, so we don't have to worry about it." George told you all.

You shrugged and continued light conversations, avoiding any to do with Umbridge. She was so hard to avoid, putting her signs up, going into classrooms, walking round the hall- you really couldn't do anything.

You saw a large group of people outside the great hall looking to Filch, because of their height you could easily spot Fred and George. You shuffled through the crowd and stood with them. 

"What's happening?" You questioned.

"More of her stupid rules." Fred pointed out as Filch climbed down his ladder.

Filch swung his ladder around, with no regard for everyone standing behind him. Fred took your arm and lowered it, pulling you down so the ladder wouldn't hit your face. You slowly stood again as Filch stood still, until he swung it back round, making you all duck down again.

"Are you okay y/n?" Fred asked.

"Just about." You said laughing slightly.

You stood and looked at the wall, it was getting ridiculous- umbridge was making a mass load of stupid and ridiculous rules that simply do not need to be in place. She was asking for people to start rebelling against her, soon no one would be able to breathe without getting scolded for it.

You continued on with your day, Umbridge still inspecting teachers and staff. You could tell by every teachers reactions to her entering, they all very much disliked her. During the lunch break you sat next to Fred in the great hall.

"I'm already exhausted. I'm getting more frustrated with this woman everyday." You said to the group.

"She's really getting your knickers in a twist ey?" George stated.

"Shut up." You exclaimed, putting your head onto your arms. You felt Fred gently rubbing your back.

"Don't worry, we will sort her out in time." Fred reassured.

You turned your head from your arms and looked up to Fred, "how do you mean?" You were really interested in what he meant.

"Can't say." He smiled down to you.

"Just don't do anything ridiculously stupid please." You put your head back down and fully soothed into Fred's hand tracing up and down onto your back.

You were feeling a lot less tense again, until you began hearing crowds forming outside. You shot your head up, watching everyone pacing to see the action.

George and Lee paced ahead of you, you were being dragged by Fred.

"Don't walk too quickly, I'm tired." You complained. Fred rolled his eyes and slowed down. You reached the crowds and stood infront of Fred, seeing professor trelawney with umbridge crying and pleading.

"What's happening?" You asked a random 5th year next to you.

"Umbridges given Trelawney the sack." He told you.

"She has?" You asked with disbelief.

"Apparently so."

You turned to Fred before looking back towards the scene. Mcgonagall was now running towards the crying professor, comforting her.

"This is awful." You said to Fred, watching the scene unfold.

"I know." He replied.

You saw the great hall doors open and Dumbledore walk out. Everyone was quite surprised to be seeing him, he was almost sheltering away watching the ministry take over the school.

"Professor Mcgonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside." Dumbledore instructed.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" Trelawny said.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of education decree number 23, as in acted by the minister-" Dumbledore cut her off.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not however have the authority to dismiss them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

"For now." She seemed annoyed at Dumbledores words as he claimed his power over her.

Dumbledore turned around and began walking back inside the castle, "don't you all have studying to do?!" He shouted.

You looked across the courtyard as saw Harry desperately trying to catch up to him.

This is a filler chapter!! I couldn't skip it but I had no major ideas to put within it so sorry it's a bit short.

For the next week I am going to be posting every other day, instead of everyday. I have a lot of exams coming up that I need to revise for, any time I have to write I will, but I should be back posting as normal after xo

Hope you're all safe and well,
-i <33

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