Staying Home

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So I have not too much recollection on the whole potter watch stuff so I'm going to make some stuff up because I can, I found this though (the YouTube thing) so enjoy that and enjoy the chapter.

The days were still progressing and winter had hit England. You had met up with Molly very discreetly to check up on everyone.

You felt more at danger as the days were passing. The deatheaters and voldemort were only growing stronger and now you were at risk of being questioned on your blood status. Halfbloods and Muggle borns were still going missing and it was all down to the ministry trying to purify the wizarding world.

The twins were going out tomorrow to find Lee and be involved in his secret radio show, Potterwatch. The radio show was a way in which the real news could be told, instead of the corrupted crap the ministry was putting out.

You were sat with the twins on your sofa watching the TV, just finishing your dinners.

"You're getting better at cooking George." You said standing up and taking everyone's plates through to the kitchen.

"You don't have to tell me Bardot, I know I am." He smugly replied.

You flicked your wand around the kitchen as it started to clean itself up of all the dirty dishes and mess.

"It is all moving quite slow don't you think?" Fred said from the sofa.

"What's moving slow?" You asked, sitting back down next to him.

"Whatever this is leading up to, it's been a good couple of months and we've not really heard anything, it's the most longest wait for something we have no clue about." He responded.

"Yeah but we have to wait for Harry, the time will come and we will all be ready but we are just going to have to wait it out until then." You moved yourself more close to Fred, as he put his arm around your shoulder.

"It's a strange thing to be waiting for though, like a whole battle. That's what we all think will happen anyway." George added.

"I know, but we will all be fine. Don't forget you're being taught spells by me- who better to be taught by." You giggled lightly and got comfortable with Fred again.

After a short amount of time you heard George sleeping, he didn't snore but he did make some sort of quieter similar noise. Fred was very much still awake, you knew if George wasn't woken up he would stay there for the rest of the night.

"Georgie." You whispered, shaking him a little bit. He groaned a little bit, meaning he was kind of awake, "George come on, you're sleeping go to bed." You shook him a little more to keep him up.

"Okay mum." He rolled his eyes and stretched, standing up and going to his bed, "night guys!" He shouted.

"Night George." You and Fred said in unison, George closed his door.

"Should we go to bed now too?" Fred asked you.

"We can do, or I have something else in mind maybe." You put your hand on his chest and looked up at him.

"It's almost like you read my mind." He smiled, jumping up from the couch.

You laughed as he pulled you up, almost running you to the bedroom.

"Feeling hasty tonight are we?" You questioned, closing the door.

"George has been getting in our way. I've been seeing you around the house, bending over, coming out the shower and everything else you do. But I have had to hold back from ripping your clothes off in front of my brother." He said, pushing some hair off his face, highlighting his sexual frustration.

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