Lazy mornings

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You had spoken to Hermione soon after Umbridge fired Trelawney. She was completely outraged at the fact no student was being taught how to defend themselves or pass their exams, under Umbridge's new rules.

She had sent out people to inform everyone that during the next Hogsmeade trip everyone interested in a society where someone will actually teach DADA should go to Hogs head, for an important briefing. You and your friends all had obviously agreed.

It was now the end of the school week, the Hogsmeade trip was tomorrow. You had eaten in the great hall and went straight back to your common room, to avoid seeing a smug Umbridge as much as possible.

The winter was definitely closing in. It was cold outside, and everyone was expecting snow over the course of the next week or so.

"So are we all going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, and that thing in the hogs head?" You asked your group.

"I believe so." George replied.

"I hope it doesn't take up too much of our time though." Fred stated.

"Why's that?" Lee questioned.

"I want to buy some stuff. I'm excited to get out of the castle." Fred answered.

"You literally left the castle the other week with y/n." George pointed out.

"Well that's different." He replied.

"Different how?" Lee interrogated.

"Yeah, different how?" You added.

"Not a bad different, but we were there sneaking around whereas we can go freely and go wherever we want without being caught."

You kind of understood what he was saying and let it slide, continuing on with some of your homework. You caught yourself yawning, while also feeling a little drowsy.

"I think I might clock out. I'm quite tired." You admitted.

"Can you take your little boyfriend with you again tonight?" George questioned.

"He's not my boyfriend Georgie. But he can come up with me if he wants." You looked to Fred and smiled.

"Maybe I will." Fred stood from the sofa and put his arm around you while walking up the stairs.

"You go grab your stuff, I'll leave my door unlocked." You said to Fred as he walked towards the boys dormitories.

You enter red your dorm and went through your clothes, trying to find some pyjamas to wear. You decided on wearing an oversized hoodie with some shorts, since it was feeling a little colder in your room. You pulled your hood up and waited for Fred. It didn't take long for him to strut his way in, holding all his stuff.

"You look cosy." He said, as you climbed into your bed.

"I am." You laughed a little and waited for Fred to get changed. He got into some pyjamas, getting into your bed with you. He squeezed your body close to his, planting a couple of small kisses onto your cheek, you looked to him and kissed him on the lips.

You turned your body to face his, resting your head onto his arm that he was holding out. He put his hand onto your shoulder to make sure you stayed close to him throughout the night.

"Goodnight darling." He said.

"Goodnight freddie." You could feel that him just being present made you falling asleep happen much easier.

You woke up the next morning before Fred. You could see out your window it was definitely snowing and the sun was rising. You waited for Fred to wake up while watching his chest move up and down as he slept.

Even though you enjoyed the sexual encounters you shared with Fred, you really deep down enjoyed the more close and intimate moments you shared with him. It set a lot of your feelings into place and reassure you that he wanted you for more than sex.

You heard the light sound of Fred stretching and waking up. You pushed your head and smiled at him opening his eyes and fully awaking.

"Good morning." You said to Fred.

"Morning darling." Fred replied, looking down to you and putting his arm around you again.

"We should get up soon and get ready." You stated.

"Just five more minutes." He held you closer, enjoying the simplicity of laying together.

"Freddie, I should get up. I need to go for a shower."

"I need one too, want to share?" He smirked to you. You didn't quite know how to respond you thought it could be slightly awkward but you agreed never the less.

"Sure." You said rolling out of bed.

You started to walk towards your bathroom, turning to see Fred smirking as you walked away. You heard him jumping out of your bed and following you in. You stood at your sink and brushed your teeth, looking at Fred in the mirror doing the same. After finishing with your teeth you turned your shower on. Fred was leaning against your wall slowly undoing his shirt buttons. You took off your pyjamas and walked into your shower.

You faced the wall, splashing your face to fully wake yourself up. You could feel Fred's presence coming from behind you. You slowly turned your head and looked up to Fred's face as he looked down to you. You moved yourself closer to the wall so Fred was under the water too. It was a little bit awkward to get into, showering with Fred. You took some of your shampoo into your hand and began rubbing it into your hair, Fred took some and began washing his hair too.

After both rising off the shampoo from your hair you took some conditioner. You were about to squeeze it into your hands as you saw Fred grab the bottle.

"Let me darling." He said putting some conditioner into his hands. He began rubbing it into his hair gently. You enjoyed his touch and fingers running through your hair. After he had finished you turned around to face him, you tiptoed you to his height as he began leaning down. You stated to kiss as the water trickled down your faces.

You rinsed off the conditioner off after you broke the gentle kiss. This situation could easily have turned sexual but in a way you were glad it didn't. You were able to enjoy a close time with Fred, enjoying each others company in silence. You washed your whole body and finished your shower.

You slowly turned off the water, turning back around again. You lightly kissed Fred's chest before exiting the shower, handing him a towel.

"That didn't take you as long as it usually does." You said to Fred, leaving the bathroom.

"I had someone to match my speed to." He lowered himself and kissed you again.

"Now come on, we have to get ready."

I'm not sure I like this chapter that much, but we move.
Please favourite and recommend my story it helps me out a lot!! xoxo
Hope you're all safe and well,
-i <33

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